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What is he doing here?

I quickly ran up to my window and opened it so that he could come in.
He then climbed into my room and I just stared in shock.

"Why are you here?" I asked.
Wondering why he decided to come.
"Well I just thought why don't we study together ?" He said
"Oh and I also brought some pizza to eat" he then said smiling and holding up the box of pizza he brought.
I chuckled at how cute he was.
"Well then I guess let's eat" I said.

We then sat on the floor of my bedroom and layer the pizza box on the ground.
We ate and chatted about a lot of things but mainly about our studies and what we would have to study for our upcoming exam.
We then heard a knock on the door and turned our head to see who it is.

I saw my brother standing there and sniffing what that's scent was till he saw what we were eating and who I was with.
"Oh hyungg" Jungkook said and sold up to greet him.
Then they did that bro high five thing.
"I was wondering what that scent was as I was walking passed to the kitchen and I've found what it was" he said and walked towards me and grabbed a pizza slice and started eating it.
"By the way, Jungkook how the hell did you get here without me noticing?" He asked looking straight at jungkook.

"And why didn't you tell me you were coming here man" he then asked.
Jungkook hesitated to say something but when ahead to tell him before I could.
"I came here through her window" he said chuckling and scratching his neck nervously.

"You could of just knocked on the door, our parents aren't home cause they're on a business trip" my brother told him eating his pizza and looking at him.
"Well I'll leave you guys to it and I'mmmm going to grab another slice and yeah byeeee" he quickly took another slice then left the room.

Jungkook and I then looked at each other, giving each other odd looks.
I shook my head then ate one of the two last slices of pizza while Jungkook ate the other slice.

After we were done I went downstairs to put the pizza box in the bin then went back up to get ready to study.
As I walked into my room, I saw that Jungkook has already taken his stuff out so I got my stuff from my desk and went on the floor with him to study.

We started studying about the topics that we needed to know for this upcoming exam.
We talked for a bit but mainly on what we had to study for.
I honestly felt like his tutor as I had to help him on things he didn't understand or didn't know how to do.

We were around 20 minutes into our studying and Jungkook's phone suddenly lit up with a message notifications.
I looked over at his phone and it said

My love ❤️❤️❤️

He saw me look at it and quickly took it before I could see anymore.
I gave him a weird look and just assumed it was his mum that was texting him.
But as we got more into our studying, I hear his phone going off every minute.

I was starting to get annoyed cause of this so I decided to speak up.
"Just answer those texts from your mum I swear to god, she must be worried about you" I said annoyed.
" I'll give her a call just wait" he said then went out my door and closed it to talk on the phone.
I then continued on with my studies till I heard him said babe.
I stopped what I was doing and kept quiet to try and listen to what he was saying.

I put my pen down then walked towards the door trying to not make any sound.
I put my ear up against the door and listened.

"I know babe"
"I'll go to your house after this"
"I'm almost done"
"I'll see you soon"
"I love you bye"

After he ended the call I quickly
Went back to where I was seated and pretended to do the work.
He then came in and smiled at me so I smiled back to trying to hide the emotions I was feeling.
That couldn't of been his mum,
Is he cheating on me?
God damn it Jiyoo
You should of said no.

After a few minutes, I couldn't stand to be here with him anymore, it just kept making me feel worse.
So I asked him to leave.

"Um Jungkook can you leave? Please? I have some things to do and I'm feeling a little sick" I lied.
I looked down as I didn't want to look at him.
"What why? Are you okay? I can stay here to take care of you" he said looking at me then started to touch my forehead.
I took his hand off my forehead and just decided to look at him even though he's making my heart hurt right now.

"I'm okay, my brother can take care of me, I'll be fine" I told him.
"Okay then but just text me if you need anything" Jungkook said and started to pack away his things into his bag.

After he was done I walked him to the door.
"Are you sure you'll be alright ?" He asked to make sure.
"Yes I'll be alright" I answered and gave him a fake smile that could persuade him.
"Okay then take care" he said then leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head and he kissed my cheek instead.

I gently pushed him out the door then waved to him, saying good bye.
I shut the door then I went to the window to secretly look at him through the blinds, only opening it up a little bit so that he won't notice.

I saw him stand there for awhile then made his way to the opposite path that he normally takes when he goes home.

I guess he does love someone else.
I quickly walked upstairs to my room and shut it gently.
I slid down my door and couldn't believe what I had seen and heard.

So he really loves some one else
He's been cheating on me
All this time
I should of said no
I knew he was suspicious
Why was he doing this?
Why me?

I couldn't hold it anymore and decided to let it go.
I let out what I had been holding from the minute I heard him talk on the phone call.

I sobbed and sobbed quietly trying to make sure my brother wouldn't hear me.
I didn't want him to see me in this state.
I just can't believe it, why is he doing this to me ?

Why is he making me fall for him when he loves someone else?

I then heard my phone go off and i decided to check it, to see what it was.
I stood up and went over to my desk to where my phone was.

I saw that it was a message notification.
But ...
It was from an unknown number

It's a dare

NUMBER // jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now