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After saying goodbye to Jungkook, Youngjae and I went off towards the mall to go to a restaurant there.

It was a quick walk so we arrived there around 6:05pm.

We walked into the restaurant and I saw that it was a buffet.

Hmm, interesting choice Youngjae.

"So how many people?" The waitress at the counter asked.

"That will be 2 people" Youngjae then answered.

"Okay then... that is $65.50" the waitress said typing into the cash register.

Well damn isn't that pretty pricey?

Youngjae smiled then reached into his front pocket to grab his wallet.

"I'll be paying by card" he said and held it up towards the waitress.

The waitress then gave the card machine to Youngjae and he swiped his card and put in his pin.

We paid then we were taken by a waiter towards the table that we will be sitting at.

"Here's your table and please enjoy your dinner today" the waiter smiled then walked away.

"so let's eat" Youngjae said cheerfully, I nodded and smiled then we went over to the plate section to grab a plate.

Youngjae and I seperate ways to look for food that we wanted to eat.

And my mouth watered at the amount of food there was that they served.

I grabbed each food that I wanted and carefully placed it onto my plate.

After choosing the foods that I'll be eating, I went back to the table that we're sitting at and saw that Youngjae was already there waiting for me.

"Oh Youngjae, you didn't have to wait for me" I told him
As I put my plate down on the table, then moved the chair back
To sit on it.

"Well I just wanted to wait for you, cause I felt rude to eat when
You're not here yet" he said then smiled once I sat down.

"Well lets eat now, since we're both here" I told him then we started eating.

As we were eating he asked questions here and there.

"So how's school?" He asked while stabbing his fork into a piece
Of meat on his plate.

You might wonder why he asked but
To answer your question He goes to a different school.

" well everything's okay , I've just been studying for some
Upcoming exams and everything and yeah that's all, I've
Just been busy with things" I replied.

"What about you, how's your school?" I then asked him.

"Well it's okay, there's been some fights at school but overall everything's okay,
I've just been studying as well. I have some upcoming exams too" he replied.

I nodded at his answer then asked about the fights at his school.

"So what were the fights about? Cause you know they always fight for some dumb reason at your school" I told him then laughed.

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