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After all that has happened, I went up to my room to do my work.

Though I couldn't focus on it because of me decision for breaking up with Jungkook.

Was it the right thing to do ?

I mean I think we went too fast with the relationship and I don't think I was properly ready.

I still have soo much to study for since it's our last year of high school.

We will get too busy for each other and will most likely drift away from each other due to the work we have to do for school.

I rubbed my eyes, to get myself focused on the work but I just couldn't focus.

I was distracted by the thought of my decision and if it was right.

I just decided to continue on and play some music to distract myself from the thought.

I was half way done through my work till I heard my phone go off.

I grabbed my phone that was next to me on my desk.

Message notification

How are you?
Are you okay?

I unlocked my phone and went onto the message app to text him back.

Yeah I'm fine
Just doing some work
But how about you, how are you doing ?

I replied to him.

I then put my phone back to where it was ,thinking that he won't reply straight after.

But well he did.

Message notification

Oh really
Oh okay
I'm doing some work too but I got bored and decided to text you Lol
Sorry if I was bothering you

Oh no
It's all good
Don't apologise, it's fine
But that's God to hear that you are doing okay

Though I'm still a little a sad but it's okay
I accept your decision and I will wait for you
As long as you want me to

I'll tell you when the right time is
I won't make you wait for very long

I will be ready
I'll let you continue on with your work

Haha Thankyou

I smiled at our short conversation we had then turned off my phone and placed it back onto my desk.

I continued on with my work, till I was done.


The next day

It was the next day and it was another day full of work.

I worked on assessments and everything and also got them done in time.

I did some exams today which kinda stressed me out but I got it done in the end and I'm pretty happy with the results.

It was then lunch time and we did our normal routine of going over to the our spot we sit at and eating.

"I forgot to ask you at recess but what happened to you and Jungkook? You guys don't seem to be hanging out with each other anymore" Jinmi wondered.

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