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A week later

Exams, classes and school were done.

We finished all our exams and everything in that one week and I'm soo glad that we're done.

All of our hard work will hopefully pay off as we get our results back next week.

And it's currently Thursday after the exam week and we got this week off since we were done with everything.

But one thing was still not done.


Graduation was tomorrow and my friends and I are currently walking around the mall in the city looking for some things to wear tomorrow for the graduation party after the actual ceremony.

I was a little nervous but this was the thing that I was waiting for at the start of my high school years.


My friends and I decided to split up and look around for the things that would suit us for tomorrow's after party.

I could just tell by the looks of my friends that we would be shedding quite a lot of tears tomorrow but hopefully all will go out well despite the tears we may be shedding.

I walked into a shop that was full of dresses to find something that I could maybe wear.

I looked around finding anything that would suit me till I found a short dress that looked really nice.

Though I really can't decide if I should wear a dress or not.

I took the dress off the rank and took a good look at it.

It was a really nice dress so I looked at the price and saw that it was way too expensive for my budget.

So I just decided to look at another shop nearby.

As I was walking to a shop nearby I suddenly felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.

Giving me a shock I turned around to see Jungkook behind me.

"OMG Jungkook you scared me what the hell" I told him putting my hand to my chest.

"Haha sorry, but what are you up to?" Jungkook asked.

I continued walking and he followed along with me.

"Well I'm just looking around finding what to where for tomorrow's after party" itokd him as we walked inside a store that sold some really nice clothes.

"Oh really same, I am too but I don't know what to wear" he said then put his hand to his chin, thinking.

I walked around the shop looking for something affordable and suitable for me to wear, that would fit my style.

A lot of the clothes here were actually pretty affordable which was good, so I got this black bomber jacket along with some blue denim jeans and a really nice top.

I held the items in my arms as I looked around looking for something else that I could maybe wear.

I then saw Jungkook over at the men's section, looking at the clothes that they had there.

I walked over to him to help him find something that would suit him.

I looked through the rack of clothes till I landed in a blue dress shirt.

I took it out of the rack and held it up infront of him.

"I think this will look good on you with the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons undone" I said to him looking at the shirt.

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