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We then continued on with Japanese class and I ignored him through out the class.

It was soon lunch time and we packed up our equipment and waited for the teacher to dismiss us.

"Sayonara Minasan" the teacher then bowed.

"Sensei Sayonara" everyone said then bowed and made their way out of class.

I was taking my time with packing my things so I left class later than everyone.

I then saw Jungkook standing at the door waiting.

I looked at him then quickly walked away from the door and where he's standing.

Suddenly I feltt a hand grab my shoulder.

Turning around I flicked of his hand off my shoulder.

"I swear to god Jungkook!!! I told you that I wanted some time alone but you keep bothering and distracting me from doing my work" I yelled at him.

"Look I'm sorry and I just want to fix up things between us" he said then looked down.

"But I told you already that I want time to think and I want time away from you, but I can't because you're there everyone second and minute of my life!" I said out loud.

"Just give me a chance, let's go out after school to talk" he said pleading.

I crossed my arms looking at him.

"okay fine but you only have 5 minutes" I told him.

"okay okay fine" he said in agreement.

I then walked away from him and went over to the spot I sit in with my friends for lunch.

"Hey Jiyoo, what took you so long?" Jaein asked me curiously.

"I had a chat with the one and only, Jungkook" I said as I rolled my eyes at them, while putting my bag down on the ground then sat down with them.

"Ohh about what?" Misun then asked.

"He wants to have a talk later on after school" I then said, taking my sandwich out of
My bag.

We then just talked about random stuff and shared around our lunches cause why not.

"But girl omg her ratchet ass her is soo annoying" my friends Misun went on about this chick in her class.

"Alright girls enough of that chitter chatter, it's time to head to class so pack up and head off" the teacher said as he came to us to tell it was time for class.

"Yes sir" we all said then stood up from our spots and grabbed our bag.

I tapped Misun on the shoulder then mouthed a 'Let's Go' as she was in my class.

"Okay guys see you later" I said to my other friends and waved goodbye.

We had English class so we walked over to the classroom where English was normally held in.

Because of the long chatter MY and friends and I had, we arrived at class late but oh well, I don't really care cause it's English and I don't feel like doing any English.

"You girls are late" our teacher announced as we walked through the doors of the class ro

"We know sir, Sorry" we told him.

"This is your first strike, next time I will make a phone call to your parents to tell them how late you are to class" our teacher warned.

"Yes sir" we said again and went over to put allocated seating plan.

"Now class I have something to announce" the teacher then said.

"As we have been learning about Shakespeare and the his plays, for this assessment task, we will watch one of his plays much ado about nothing that was turned into a movie" he explained.

Everyone then groaned at how they didn't want to do the assessment task.

"After watching this movie, you will choose a scene from the movie to reenact but in a way to the people of today's interest" he then continued on.

Everyone then groaned again.

"You guys will be in groups of 2 or 3 but I will be choosing them and according to the roll call" the teacher then announced.

Mumbles and words came out of everyone's mouth saying how it was unfair and everything.

I honestly didn't care, I just don't want to be paired up with Jungkook again.

My eyes suddenly widened as I realised that Jungkook was before me on the role.

Oh god please don't get me paired up with him sir.


I listened carefully to the teacher announcing the pairs or groups that will be together.

Clasping my hands together I prayed to God hoping that I won't be paired up with him.

"Jiyoo with Soohyun" the teacher then said.

I sighed in relief.

"Oh wait sorry, I missed a person, so instead Jiyoo with Jungkook" the teacher then officially announced.

My eyes and mouth widened.

Why is this happening to me????

I groaned then laid my head against the table.

After announcing all the people who will be together he then put on the movie for us to watch and take notes on.

I couldn't my mind to watch and take notes, I was too distracted by fact that Jungkook was once my partner again.

I also couldn't get my mind to watch it because I was weirded out by the way they spoke and their terrible innuendos.

Though I laughed here and there as I watched it but soon enough it was the end of English class and as well as school.

I packed my stuff up and said bye to Misun as she had to catch bus till I felt his hand again on my shoulder.

"Are you ready to go?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah I guess so"

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