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As I was waiting, I heard bits and pieces of the conversation they were having as the dining room was just next door.

I then heard jungkook yell a bit and I wondered if he was okay and what his parents' reactions are.

I hope they support his thought, I can understand how frustrating it is to not be able to control your own life.

Then I heard the sound of the chair sliding against the floor.

I looked towards the dining room table, expecting for someone to come out.

Jungkook then finally came out of the dining room table and went over to me.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, walking towards the front door.

He then opened the door then slammed it shut once we walked outside.

We walked onto the path that led to me house.

No words were spoken as we we were walking but then we took a turn towards the park.

He didn't let go of my wrist as we were walking.

We arrived at the park and I was wondering what we were doing here.

"Jungkook what are we doing here?"
I asked him.

"Sorry I just wanted to get some fresh air, but don't worry we won't stay here for long" he answered.

He pulled me over to swings and we sat on each swing. Swinging back and front silently in the cold winter.

I decided to speak up as I was curious to what had happened while they were talking.

"Jungkook" I said, making him look
Up at me.

"What happened back there? What happened while you were talking with your parents?" I curiously asked.

"Well how did it go?" I then added.

"I told them how I felt about it, they accepted at first saying how they're sorry for making me feel this way and everything but then they just ignored the topic and went on to say that i have to be the heir to the company since I'm the only child" he said looking down in disappointment.

"I then left saying that hey didn't understand what I meant saying how I don't want to be the heir to the company" Jungkook then added.

I looked over at him and saw that their were tears that were forming in his eyes.

I stood up and went over to him to hug him.

"Jungkook it's okay things will get better in the send" I told him hugging him as I kept patting his head while he had his arms around my waist and leaned against my chest.

"You're going to get through this and you will have me by your side, I will be there standing by you as you go through these hardships of yours" I told him.

We then let go and looked into each other's eyes. I saw the hint of sadness that was in his eyes.

I grabbed his face.

"Let's go home now, lest rest there" I told him as I pulled him by his arm and made him stand.

We then continued walking towards my house and arrived there just before it hit 8pm.

I brought out my keys so that I could open the door.

We walked in and then I noticed that my parents weren't home.
I then checked the kitchen just in case to see they were there or not.

Instead of my parents being there I saw that they had left a note here on the kitchen bench top.

I opened up the note that they had left here and I read it carefully.

"Dear Jiyoo and hoseok
Your father and I are going on another business trip as there were some emergencies and problems with the company in other countries.
We had to leave early as we have to get their by tomorrow by sorry we didn't tell you? We only got the message now so please take care of yourself and we will be back soon.

P.S I've cooked up some food for you guys and left in the fridge, so if you're ever hungry there will be some food that's left in the fridge for you to eat.

Love mum and dad"

It said, as I finished reading the note.
I then put the note back to its spot where it was found so that my brother can read it when he gets home.

I turned around but then I hit my head on something firm.

I was rubbing my head on the spot where it hurts but then I looked up to see Jungkook standing right there in front of me.

I got a shock as he scared me as I didn't realise that he was there.

"Omg Jungkook what the heck, you scared me" I told him as I put by hand to my chest, breathing in and out.

"Sorry lol" he said as he chuckled.
"So where are your parents?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"Well... they went on another business trip cause there are problems to do with the company" I answered.

"Oh okay, well I guess I'll be staying with you for a bit, if that's alright?" He asked.

"Yeah it's fine with me and I'm sure my family is fine with it" I replied.

After having out little chit chat, we went to the fridge to get our food as we were quite hungry.

I opened the fridge to see a large container of pasta, so I got 2 bowls from the cupboard and took out the pasta from the fridge.

I placed it on the bench top so hat I could scoop out some and put them into our bowls for Jungkook and I.

I then sprinkled some cheese on top of it, to add a by more flavour to it.

I put the bowls into the microwave one by one so that they can heat up nicely.

Once it was done I carried the bowls with forks, over to Jungkook who was in the living room, watching a show that was in tv.

"Here you go Jungkook" I called out to him and gave him one bowl.

"Oooh pasta" he said and went in to eat.

We chatted a bit and ate while watching show that was television till I decided to connect my iPad to the TV so that I can watch my drama.

After all that eating and drama watching, it was soon then 12 am and we decided that it was time to go to bed.

So we headed up to my room and went to bed, falling into a deep slumber.

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