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Five months later

Five months of had work and study have passed by.

And quite a lot has happened in these five months.

There were some fights and arguments between my friends and there have been many stressful moments due to our upcoming final exam of high school.

I just can't wait till school is over.

And to finally achieve the dream that I've been wanting to achieve.

It was another Monday morning and the start of exam week.

There would be exams everyday this week that's why I've been studying and preparing a lot for it as this depends on my future a little bit.

I got out of bed to start a fresh new week of school and exams, keeping in mine that this is my second last week of school and that it will be over soon.

I walk over to my closet to put my school uniform on, then packed my bag.

I put in all the equipment I needed and everything else like my books till I was done and went downstairs to eat some breakfast.

I went into the kitchen to make something warm to eat and drink as the weather was pretty cold today.

"Hey sis, good morning" I heard my brother say as he was walking down the stairs.

"Hello good morning" I then replied to him and continued in making my breakfast.

He then came into the kitchen to make a his own breakfast and after we were done making it, we sat done together on the kitchen bench too to eat it.

Words were spoken but they were mainly about how we would be finishing school soon and how we were excited to get out of school.

It was then time to leave for school and this time we decided to catch as it would be a shorter trip to school.

We walked up to the bus stop to wait for the school bus to arrive.

As we were walking up I saw one of my friends Jaein there.

She looked my way and saw me walking up, then waved at me smiling.

I arrived at the bus stop and walked over to stand next to Jaein as we waited.

"So are you ready for exam week?" She asked me.

"Yep ready as I'll ever be like man I studied soo much each night so I hope all this studying we will,work well as I do the test" I told her then smiled.

"Same I did too but I do hope so too that all our hard work will be paid off" Jaein then replied

"But ugh when is the bus coming, I'm freezing out here" I said then tried to keep warm by rubbing my arms.

And just right on time, the bus finally arrives to take us to school.

The bus stop right in front of us and a little crowd of people gathers around the entrance, waiting to go into the warm bus instead of staying outside the cold cold weather.

We took out our bus passes and scanned them so that we could get on.

We find some seats to sit in and decided to sit in a seat near the front of the bus.

The bus driver then continued driving to the next bus stop.

And from there I could see taehyung and Jungkook waiting therefor the bus as well.

The bus then again stopped for Jungkook and taehyung to jump on to the bus.

I watched them as they scanned they bus passes and went to sit in the seat that was in front of us.

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