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The sunlight seeped through the blinds of my window.
As I woke up I saw that I was cuddled up to Jungkook.

I leaned in, closer to him as I was feeling cold even still with the blankets on.

"Good morning" Jungkook said in his rusty tired voice.

He smiled down at me so I smiled back. "Good Morning" I said back to him and he kissed me on the forehead.

He then hugged me tighter and pulled me as close as he can to him.

"Jungkook let's get up so we can make some breakfast" I told him and patted his arm, looking up at him.

"Nooooo... let's stay here, it's colddd" Jungkook said cutely as he cuddled me closer to him.

"Awwe okay then" I said to him while pinching his cheeks.

"Noo let go" he said and tried pulling my hands away from his cute cheeks.

"Jungkookie you're soo cute hahaha" I complimented him.

"I know I am, cause you love me hahaha" he said smiling.

We then stayed in bed for around 10 minutes, jut cuddling and trying to keep in the warmth.

It was then time to get out of bed as we were starting to get hungry.

We went downstairs then into the kitchen to make some breakfast for the both of us.

I just took out some bread and Nutella as I didn't feel like cooking today, while Jungkook did the same.

I toasted the Nutella sandwiches and so did he then when we were done, we went over to living room to just watch some shows while we eat.

We flicked through the channels trying to find something to watch but then we just left it on something random and just ate our food.

We didn't really pay attention to the tv as we were really just eating and talking about random things about school like how our teachers don't even teach properly.

Then we finished up our food and brought our plates to the sink to wash.

After washing the dishes we then went back up to my room and I decided to take a shower.

I grabbed my things that I needed and my new change of clothes.
"Jungkook I'm going to shower okay, don't touch anything valuable okay?" I told him.

"Would you like me to shower with you?" He asked with a smirk while lying on my bed.

I gave him a weird look.
"Oh hell noooo, boi we ain't even that far into our relationship" I said to him proving my point while clicking my fingers side to side.

"WELL BYE" I said to him and walked out the door, towards the bathroom and I locked the door making sure it's locked so that Jungkook wouldn't come in and do shit.

I then took a warm shower and washed my hair.

After showering I did my normal routine that I do after I shower like putting lotion on and etcetera.

I changed into my clothes and wrapped my towel around my hair then put it up.

I walked back to my room to see that Jungkook had fallen asleep.

I decided to wake him up so that he could shower too.

"Jungkook...Jungkook... wake up" I said to him as I shook him, trying to wake up.

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