The Price of Freedom

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A/N: Well it's been QUITE a while since I've updated this story. Let's see if I've still got the skills to write the bills!


Wake's POV:

Only Shade would make me wait on the first fun mission I've gotten in a while! Ooh! When I see her, she's getting a total vine slapping!

"I can't believe that Morgan gave me a mission with boring old Shade while she gets to go off and play with Nya! No fair!"

And now I have to wait in the stupid garage for Shade who is taking entirely too long!

"Ugh! What is taking that girl so long? She moves so slow, I'd think she was you, Kayde!"

"Wow. That's not offensive at all." The nearby, dragon-tailed girl with a laptop sighed, spinning around in her stool.

"Well... your huge tail does slow you down, Kayde so... stop being sarcastic!" Geez. "But Shade doesn't have one so what's her excuse?"

"Maybe she grew a tail too." Kayde added, with more sarcasm!

"You don't get it! This is the first combat mission that I've been on in a while! This. Is. Suh. Posed. To. Be. My. Big. Mo. Ment!"

"Relax! And stop... syllabling at me like that."

"Ooh! You're not the boss of- huh?"

Suddenly, a cloud of darkness burst out of the main staircase and out into the garage.

"Finally! What took you so long? Morgan could be back at any moment! Do you know what she'd do to us for not completing such an easy mission?"

"Don't you mean, Free?" The cloud of darkness sighed, as little miss gloom and doom emerged from it, clad in a black ninja outfit, complete with super cute shoulder armor that... kinda looks like guy clothes.

"What's the point of code names if you're just going to call us by our regular names?" She continued.

"What's the point of Morgan making a schedule if you're not gonna follow it?"

Shade did the most Shade thing possible and just shrugged me off! "Normally, I'm much more... punctual for these things, you know that. I just got held up by a certain butler. Speaking of, do not use our real names around him."

"Well duh. I mean he is an outsider."

"What you mean is, Ronin's not a girl." Kayde interrupted, like a total butt! "You didn't use code names around me or Nya when we got here.

"That's the Black Phoenix, to you, White Dragon." Shade countered.

"Pleeease don't call me that."

"Why? It fits, considering the tattoo on your arm."

"Yeah!" Plus it's super cute since Nya's the Black Phoenix now. "Ooh! We should all be colorful animals! I'll be... the Aquamarine Koala, since I'm so cute! And Free would be the Purple Robin! Shade can be... eh, Shade can be the Shadowy Dung Beetle."

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