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Her smiling fox mask stained scarlet red as she coughed, kunais embedding into her with wet thunks. The ANBU gracefully landed on a tree branch despite her injuries and steadily gazed at the rogue shinobi.

"This is what happens when you try and interfere with adult things, kid. Too bad there won't be a next time to learn from your mistakes." He sneered and charged at her with his katana ready, blade glinting under the falling sun. Blood bubbled at the back of the ANBU's throat and she doubled over when the cold weapons shifted and dug deeper into her flesh, restricting her movements.   

Clumsily jumping out of the way when the enemy swung at her with a crazed grin, she ripped the kunais out and threw them at him, watching them impale it and force him let go of his weapon. The enemy ninja collapsed to the ground as one lone kunai stuck out of his eye, his screams resounding throughout the bushy area. He had better quiet down soon or else he would die an even more gruesome death.

"You little-" He shouted and painfully coughed. The successful girl remained quiet and picked up his katana, staggering a little as she struggled to grip it.

"Shh, you're too loud." She said and mercilessly sliced his head off, giggling when his head rolled along the ground. Blood spurted from the neck and the body landed on its side with a sick thud. Throwing the katana onto the ground next to his collapsed corpse, the ANBU huffed and patiently waited for for partners while examining her tattered clothes.

"You sure took your time, Akurei." The familiar voice commented.

"Shi-nii! Chi-nii!" She smiled and reached towards the two as they silently jumped out of the trees, landing in a crouch beside her.

"You did well." Kakashi complimented and Itachi nodded in agreement.

"Especially for your first mission. I think this calls for a treat." Itachi looked over to the older ANBU as he picked her up, the Uchiha peeling away her ninja attire and sighed when he saw the wounds.

"Yes, after reporting. Good work, team." Kakashi nodded with a small smile and Akurei yawned, her pudgy 5 year old hands gripping onto his clothes.

"Itachi. Carry Akurei will you? I'll carry the head." The silver ANBU commanded and passed her to the black haired teen. Akurei's eyes were heavy with fatigue and she shut them, sleep beginning to take over her body.

"Well done today." Itachi praised and she smiled.

"Thank you, Chi-nii." She mumbled and fell into slumber.


"Akurei. You completed your first mission successfully." Danzo observed and the child nodded, green eyes wandering and attention waning.

"Yes, Dan-san." She confirmed and the corner of his emotionless lips turned upwards. Kakashi and Itachi eyed the ANBU leader.

"I see... very good. You are dismissed for the day." He ordered and Akurei lazily bowed, her teammates following in suit.

"Yes, Dan-san." She yawned and he nodded slowly while digging into his robes, the girl watching him.

"For today's mission. Well done, Akurei." Danzo complimented and held out a lolly. Her drooping eyes flew open as she took it, folding over in a quick bow.

"Thank you Dan-san!" She giggled and hugged his legs for he was too tall. Chuckling, he pat her head once and gently pushed her towards Kakashi and Itachi.

"Report to me at four am sharp tomorrow." Danzo reminded and she nodded, waving before scurrying off. When Akurei reached them, Kakashi ruffled her forest green hair and gave her a closed eye smile before turning to Itachi.

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