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'-ra. Nora. Seek me. Seek me. Seek me and use my power. Seek me with Sasuke-kun and gain power. Seek me-'

Akurei snapped her eyes open and felt her vision swirl, darkness clouding her eyesight.

"Yami! Sasuke-kun! You're awake!" Sakura's relieved voice called and Akurei's head snapped up.

"Why do you all... look like you're begging to be killed?" Akurei spoke calmly, cocking her head to the side. She saw them all pale as she felt her skin crawl, like there were a hundred ants crawling up and down.

"Sakura. Who did that to you..?" A dark voice murmured and Akurei looked over, slightly stumbling. Sasuke had black marks all over him, shaped like the sharingan.

"Sasuke-kun?" Sakura whispered and the black haired sound nin chuckled.

"We did it!" He shouted and Akurei was suddenly in front of him.

"Well fuck you too." She said and punched his chin him upwards, jumping up and spin kicking his face. He went speeding towards the floor and Akurei raised her leg up in front of her, axe kicking his head into the ground. A sickening crunch was heard along with his blood curling screams. All she was was a blur of green, sometimes not even.

'Control, control. Don't lose control. Control. If you lose control, you'll absolutely destroy everyone. Control.' Akurei managed to chant through the murkiness of her thoughts - but it was distant and hardly resgistered through the haze of rage. Thank goodness the Hokage placed the seal on her.

Akurei had pulled out her katana when Sasuke shoved her to the side, making her fall.

"He's mine." He hissed and Akurei calmly stood up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She got ready to kill him when she felt her muscle spasm in her right shoulder, making her vision turn even darker.

"Blood. I need blood." She whispered and panted. Suddenly, they were blown away with sound but Akurei side stepped it, Sasuke flashing behind him.

"Ha! I've blown them away!" The dark haired sound nin triumphed and stood up weakly.

"Blown who away?"

Sasuke raised his hand and hit him away in blinding speed, tossing him away like a fly. The dark haired ninja sped towards Akurei and she readied her katana when balls of fire came at her, forcing her to dodge.

"So what? I'll blast them away!" The sound nin smirked and emitted huge sound waves at once, putting the fires out but not the shurikens inside them. They embedded into him and Sasuke was behind him once again, grabbing his arms with his right foot flat on his back.

"Hehe so you're proud of these two arms..?" Sasuke chuckled deeply and Akurei felt her fingers twitch.

A loud snap and crunch filled the clearing and the sound nin screamed even louder, slumping forward with his arms useless by his side.

"Heh you're the only one left." Sasuke turned to the last sound nin.

"And he's mine." Akurei stared and walked forward, katana ready. Sasuke growled and started to run towards him when arms wrapped around his torso, stopping him in his tracks.

"Please... stop..." Sakura whimpered as she trembled. Sasuke's marks started to recede back into the seal on his shoulder, making him fall to the ground.

"Looks like we're saved." The remaining sound nin sighed and got ready for Akurei. She flashed in front of him and stabbed his shoulder, slicing straight through.

"Yami please stop! Please!" Sakura begged and Akurei's vision started to swirl even more, making her stumble.

"Ha you're done for." The sound nin chuckled and swung at her head and punching her head. She ducked and kicked his legs from under him, about to stab her katana into his leg when Sakura pulled her back.

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