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It's wanting more
That's gonna send me to my knees
Just keep me where the light is
- Gravity, John Mayer

A/N: For my Mars P, bankingonkismet - As promised. I hope you like it. 😘💛


He came home late from a photo shoot, tired and hungry. Mostly hungry. And sleepy, as he stumbled his way through the entrance of her condo unit, glad that he was finally home after a long ass day of non-stop shoots.

He was home. To her. Because she was his home.

Though to be honest, her bed - no, scratch that - their bed was calling him more. To sleep, alright? His body was just that tired. What with the different projects his management wanted him to do.

One more year. He thought. One more year, RJ and then you're finally free of this.

He envied her at times. Because her own management didn't pressure her like his own did. Don't get him wrong, he loved all his projects. And he was always grateful for everything that was coming his way.

But there were days when his body would just protest from being overworked.

Like tonight.

Gravity was actually coaxing him to succumb to his tiredness and to walk towards her bedroom to plop down on their bed and sleep. His stomach, however, grumbled and groaned - reminding him that he in fact, forgot to eat dinner and even declined his driver's suggestion of a drive-thru on the way home for a quick bite.

He audibly groaned, yawning as he fully entered the hallway of her condo, removing his shoes as he walked further. Thanking the heavens that her younger brother wouldn't be in her condo tonight, he walked towards where he knew she would be, with a small smile on his face, his dimple peeking through.

He stopped and inhaled deeply when he was by the living room, closing his eyes as the sudden onslaught of delicious smells wafted to him from the kitchen. Hearing utensils clanging and the unmistakable sizzle of something frying together with the smell of honey cured pork - he let his nose and his stomach guide him towards where he knew he would find her.

When he got there, however, he groaned again - louder this time. But not from his hunger. Though another different... hunger was awakened within him.

"M-Mahal?" he stammered as he suddenly stopped by the kitchen counter, gulping audibly as he stared at the love of his life cooking by the stove - wearing an apron.

And nothing else.

She turned around, her face lighting up as she sighted him, a full-blown grin showing up. Her apron swung across her body - his mind needing no imagination as he was able to see the outline of her breasts as well as the full curvature of her derrière.


"RJ, love!" she exclaimed, grabbing one of the kitchen towels beside her and wiping her hands on it. Then she took a black scrunchie that was on her left wrist and put her hair up on a messy bun, showcasing her neck and sexy shoulders even more. "You're finally home. Kamusta shoot mo?"


His mind already shut down. And he found himself unable to coherently form any intelligent response. Not when he knew that behind that scant cloth of her apron, was the warmth of her supple, olive-toned skin. Her supple, olive-toned and naked skin.

Suddenly, he found himself fully awake, the tiredness of his body and the hunger within the depths of his stomach - completely forgotten. Though he did feel something else that was also quite awake. Wide awake, actually - if he was going to be honest. And it was ready and raring to go.

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