Phone Call

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DISCLAIMER: This is a revenge plot. It is SPG but it's diabolical in nature. If you do not like to read something like this - please do not read this. I don't want to hear anyone telling me that I shouldn't have written this like this just because the plot of the story isn't your cup of tea. That's why I'm putting this disclaimer, first and foremost at the very beginning. I apologize if I offended anyone of you with this disclaimer. But I just am making sure that you know what you are getting yourself into when you read this. Thank you.

Mahal ko pa rin kayong lahat.


For unmasked_maiden - thank you for this idea.

For my Ache teamSMH ladies - because we are hot like that. 😏😋


His grip on the phone tightened as he read through the different text messages from men she told him were just her "friends." These messages he was reading told him that they were anything but.

I miss your sweet body, babe.

Are we getting it on tonight?

I'm checked in at room 2314. See you soon.

He quickly left her messages app and went to check her photos app after. He wanted to confirm if there are more evidence of her... dilly-dallying. He still didn't want to believe it, even though his gut feel had been telling him, otherwise, for a while now. As he rummaged through her photos app, he found photos upon photos of her doing... things that he didn't think she would do, with these same men that were on her messages.

What irked him more was that a couple of these men, were his so-called friends and colleagues. He knew them. And they knew him. They also knew that he was in an exclusive relationship with her.

Well, not apparently to her.

Disgusted, he almost threw the phone against the wall of his bedroom, cursing himself as to why he even thought of looking when he already had an inkling about her... extra-curricular activities. Instead, he took a deep breath and placed the phone back on the dresser where he initially found it.

Well, now at least he had proof. No good if he destroyed said proof. He'd never know when he'd need it. Sighing, he took out his phone and took photos of the messages on her phone as well as transferred some of the photos from hers to his own. Just to be on the safe side.

He had a feeling that she had been cheating on him for a while now. The signs were all there - unanswered calls, unanswered text messages, not showing up on their supposed dates, being late on their supposed dates. He just needed to look really close enough to fully realize. But of course, he turned a blind eye to most of it. He never wanted to believe that she - the love of his life, the one he even thought he was going to marry, the one girl who got him, all of him - would be cheating on him.

Oh sure, he dismissed some of their rescheduled dates and unanswered calls as her being busy with work, what with her being a professional model and all. He understood that there are things outside of his control when it was about her work. And he let her be. Come to think of it, this was probably one of the reasons why they stuck it out this long. He let her do what she wanted, no questions asked.

He chuckled bitterly. God, but he was so stupid. He was so in-love that he deliberately turned a blind eye to the things she was doing. Well, they did say that love could make you do crazy things. And for him - well, this was it.

La ÉrotiqueNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ