Chapter 14 The cops are coming and the escape

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"Unknown group of hostiles. We know that you're armed and that you are a cyber-terroristic group. If you come outside without resisting, we will get you to court and you'll have a fair judge." The one officer at the loudspeaker said. "You have two minutes to leave the building." Glaz watched the crowd of coos with his binocular. "All armored, bullet-proof vests, SWAT-teams at the ready." he murmured, then put the binoculars away and sighed. "Screw it." he said, walked over to the table, took an automatic rifle and put a shocker-magazine in. He went back to the window, smashed it open and fired at the crowd of policemen. He hit several cops and shot through the cars and their windows. The police officers took cover and the one at the loudspeaker shouted with a stressed voice "Return fire, I repeat return fire." Glaz walked back to the team, while bullets and tracers hit the window and walls around it. Glaz showed the others to get their primary equipment and to leave the rest. Nick grabbed his guns and Frost's guns too, she then put her arm around his shoulders and Nick helped her to walk. When everybody else had left the flat, Glaz threw a grenade in the box with the other explosives and ran out the door. The entire flat exploded and all computers and other equipment was destroyed. The team went into the garage, got in their van and drove off. Luckily, the cops didn't see them and they were save for now.

Sometime later, in the back of the van

Frost leaned against Nick, while Switch and Glaz took care of her leg. Jenny was driving. Frost whimpered, when Glaz cut open her pants with a pair of scissors. Switch gave her two injections of painkiller and murmured something in French. "You never told me your real name." Nick whispered into Frost's ear. "My name's Mary." she whispered back and closed her eyes. Nick looked at the wound. Jack hadn't hit her in the kneecap, so she would be able to walk again soon. But he hit her into the thighbone and the bullet was still stuck inside. "Mary." when Switch said her name, it sounded like Marié. "The bullet is still in your bone and we have to remove it. I gave you as much painkiller as possible, but just in case it still hurts, you can bite on this." She held a white, piece of plastic in her paw and held it towards Mary's muzzle. She nodded, opened her muzzle and bit on the plastic as hard as she could. Glaz placed some medical gadgets on his crotch, so Switch could reach for them. When Switch moved one of the instruments in Mary's leg, she began to scream under the piece of plastic and tears shot down her cheeks. Then she lost her consciousness. Nick tried to wake her up, but Switch stopped him. "She won't feel that much pain now." she said and continued to work on the wound. Nick looked down at his whimpering sister and saw that Glaz was looking at Switch the same way. He clearly felt something for the jackal and it wasn't because of their comradeship. Ten minutes later, the bullet was removed and Mary's leg was covered in bandages. Switch leaned back and sighed loudly. "I need to rest." and she fell asleep very quick. Glaz took care of her wounds and searched her for other injuries. He then took care of the scars and wounds, he received in his face. "Hey Nick, you gonna take care if your wounds too or what?" Nick shook his head. He didn't want to stand up and make Mary wake up and he enjoyed the warmth and contact of the vixen. It was the first time he had someone of his family, he had to take care off. "We need to take her somewhere safe, but we can't. It's just too dangerous now. But we also can't get any equipment, not in any legal way." Glaz said and sat down, where he put his head in his paws. "Then let's get somewhere illegally." Nick said hesitating. "And how will we do that? Do you have like a friend, that has the perfect hideout?" Glaz asked, looking at Nick and sighing. "I actually do." Nick answered and couldn't resist of smirking. He then told Glaz his plan and insisted on doing it when Glaz said no.

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