VII : Droid Command Ship

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As I got off the air shuttle and onto the landing pad, the frustration radiating off Obi-Wan was hardly mistakable. Ever since we had left the council, he was not if just as much so or more so upset than I was. I thought I was extremely frustrated with the council for not wanting to train Anakin but the aggravation coming off Obi-Wan was a little unnerving so I tried to steer clear of him worried I may end up becoming a punching bag that he would try to take out his frustration on later.

I made sure to stick near the Jedi's but at a safe enough distance in case Obi-Wan exploded. Anakin and I were gripping each other's hands firmly, too afraid to let go on the landing pad since we were still trapped in a completely new world and considering I was not the biggest fan of heights, this landing pad was not the most comfortable location in the world for me.

Obi-Wan was talking to Qui-Gon in an irritated but respectful tone, most likely trying to voice his annoyance to his master. While Anakin was toying with R2-D2, I stuck beside the too but couldn't help but overhear the Jedi's conversation. I had a bad habit of eavesdropping ever since I met Qui-Gon, and it certainly wasn't getting any better. Then again, when Obi-Wan was talking about my brother and I, I sort of had a right to listen to what he was saying about us, right?

"It's not disrespect, Master. It's the truth," Obi-Wan told Qui-Gon with furrowed eyebrows.

"From your point of view," Qui-Gon answered back sharply with his hands behind his back.

"The boy is dangerous," Obi-Wan said bitterly. "They all sense it. Why can't you?"

Qui-Gon then stopped walking abruptly on his heels right in front of us which caused me to stiffen and turn away from the two Jedi. Qui-Gon continued talking to Obi-Wan but in a more hushed voice probably hoping Anakin and I weren't listening. "His fate is uncertain. He's not dangerous. The council will decide Anakin's future. That should be enough for you. Now get on board," Qui-Gon then ordered his Padawan.

Obi-Wan looked like he was about to explode but held his tongue as he then spun around and marched towards the ship. He caught my eye as I watched him head for the ship and gave me a glare. "What are you looking at?" He practically spat which caused me to jump slightly, not used to that sort of reaction from him.

While I watched Obi-Wan stomp into the ship, Qui-Gon had called Anakin over to talk to him while R2-D2 poked me playfully. I giggled at the droid before shaking my head and saw Obi-Wan disappear before I turned back to the droid with a sigh. "I don't get why the council agreed to teach me but not Anakin. It's just not right you know? They need to understand that Anakin and I are a package deal. Without one, you're not getting the other," I said with sass and R2-D2 nodded his body up and down in understanding or agreement I'm not sure but I just smiled and patted the top of him before Qui-Gon called me over as the Queen and her handmaidens were approaching.

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