Don't Write While Sleepy

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This is what happens when I am tired and bored and I have a good pen and paper: I write. The best part is that most of the time it's about nothing. But if it's not words jumbled together to make meaningless sentences, it's about something that stresses me at the time. Or if i'm not writing its random squiggles/doodles that are not very good, I can be creative/poetic sometimes while writing, like [A/N I had an arrow here] (whats italicized). But most of the time, like when i'm forced to write, and just can't make those jumbled words sound nice. They can be beautiful, just like me.

I have my moments of pure me. Pure laughter. Real smiles. Not all of this fake crap that the world has influenced me to do. I see the natural highlights in my hair and I'm amazed at how awesome my natural hair is. I'll wear a shirt and it looks great on me, but them i'll hide it behind my comfy choir sweater. Now don't get me wrong, I love my choir sweater.... and I totally forget what I was going to write.

But it's definitely nap time.

It's a monday. *sigh* I just can't function on mondays.

           Nap time? I think yes.

Ugg. I have a drivers ed drive today after school with Renee. But I'm soooo tired. I need to wake up by conditioning, because it's stair laps today.


A/N So I wrote this while extremely tired, and I didn't change any of it. This is completely what was on the paper... even that last part. I look at it now and see that part of it is really vain, and things that I wouldn't even think about writing now... I feel like my writing style has changed a lot since then. But at the same time some things are the same.. I don't know. I guess it just depends on my mood and how much sleep I got the night before.... SO that is an example of a 'do nothing' mood and 'oh so little sleep'. 

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