Imperfect Princess

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A/N This was written by me, and It's kind of like a poem. You can find this else where on Wattpad. First person to comment where else they found this gets a dedication in the next chapter. Sounds fair? :) Just a little bit of a friendly competition to stir the blood on a slightly serious uhhh.. poem.. written by me :) This can be called a 'poem search'. why not? :)

Sometimes I feel like no one will understand.

I want to be a lady, but a complete tom-boy.

I want to do what my parents tell me, but I also want to rebel.

I want to impress everyone, but I don't do things like that.

I want to stay in my corner, but also scream 'pay attention to me!'

I want to ask why?, but I'm afraid of the answer.

I want to understand, but don't ask the questions to get rid of the confusion.

I know I'm important, but I feel forgotten.

I know I'm loved, but I feel so lonely.

I know I'm smart, but I feel so stupid.

I know, I want, I feel, but there is all of these 'buts' in my way.

And I don't know what to do.

I am Me.

Protective Mulan.

Bold Ariel.

Studious Bell.

Adventurous Rapunzel.

Hard-working Tiana.

Sleepy Aurora.

Rebellious Jasmine.

Brave Merida. 

Curious Anna. 

Nature-loving Pocahontas. 

Graceful Cinderella.

Caring Snow White. 

Stubborn Tiger Lily.

Patient Fiona.

I am a Princess, but very imperfect.

I am Me.

The shy Princess I am.

But this shy Princess, can take care of her self.

I will find my "Prince Charming" one day, and will fight along side him.

I will fight some of my own battles.

My Prince will fight some of his own.

My life will have it's ups and downs, but this Princess will recover, as I always have.

This Princess is hidden.

I'm in disguise.

You won't find me in a long ball gown with matching shoes and perfect hair.

You won't find me in a cute summer dress and flats.

You might find me in jeans and tennis shoes.

You might find me in sweats and a hoodie.

You won't find flawless skin.

You won't find perfect hair.

I don't have all of the characteristics of 'normal' Princesses.

I don't have a perfect voice.

Animals don't just climb into my hands.

I'm not a classic Disney Princess, but I'm a nice change.

I. Am. Me.

I am a girl worth fighting for.

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.

Hakuna Matata.

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