Chapter 1 - We come in Peace

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Preparing to come out

Once the wolves had come out to Earth the Folician's had started considering coming out as well. The human world was maturing and it was starting to show. Even though there was still strife, to an extent it was starting to be limited to much smaller sections of the world. Those parts of the world they didn't deal with and wouldn't for a long time. If they wanted items from there they would have one of the Enclaves contract to get what they wanted.

One thing which had been decided was the Enclaves weren't coming out no matter what in the beginning. If the Folician's coming out caused to much of a problem they would retreat and let the Enclaves keep doing what they were. As of now there were four Enclaves. Two in America, one in Canada, and one in England. They were considering a fifth somewhere in Europe but it was going to wait for the time being.

Once they had decided to come out to the human's they had called in Ray and the other humans to ask the best way. That conversation hadn't taken all that long to be discussed. Between Ray and Simon, they had strongly recommended not being subtle or stealthy. The conversation with Ray had been interesting. Steel Heart thought back to what he had to say and it was amusing.

Ray had scratched his chin before gently tugging on his whiskers even as he glanced at Simon, "To be honest half of me wants to tell you to appear next to the ISS2 and drop out of stealth. Send a message about taking you to our leaders and going from there. That would be the wrong way to actually do it. It would amuse me to no end but then again, I have a warped sense of humor. The best way, to me, would be to drop stealth part way into the system while heading towards Earth. I would say go slow but no matter what you do it is going to horrify some people somewhere. It isn't just the speed your ships can move but the size. I'd broadcast a message that you would like to get to know Earth, want peaceful relations, and to trade or such. Avoid the whole 'we come in peace'. That is one of the bylines of the bad sci-fi movies and even now."

Simon picked up the conversation, "Be honest, somewhat direct, and state why you are there. I would suggest avoiding the whole 'we want to have babies with you' since that also is part of the bad sci-fi genre. The enclaves are doing well enough with that. They can keep doing that as well as our usual trading. I'd go with the 'we have been watching and since you have space flight' bit. Make it sound like they had to reach a certain tech level before you could say hello. One thing I wouldn't suggest would be having any human's visible. I know Pat is a fleet pack father but if he is visible they are going to start to ask questions. Eventually you can talk about that aspect but at first? I wouldn't. Also avoid letting them know some people know about you. If they realize you have been a presence on Earth for over 40 years they are going to start looking for what you might have done."

Ray rattled his claws against the table. He was thinking even as Simon had been talking, "As you know Earth doesn't have one central government. I would avoid opening relations with a number of countries. As much as it would be a laugh having you land on the Whitehouse lawn it would be wrong. Once you establish communications I'd suggest landing a shuttle at the United Nations building. Not sure how effective they are now but it would be a good move. Once you have greeted the U.N. then you could consider opening an embassy in New York which would be accessible for most of the important nations." He had to make a face, "I hate saying that but some nations simply can't do much for you or won't. They won't want anything to do with you since you could be seen as demons, evil, and such.

Once they had given their thoughts and opinions they had been asked to leave the conference room. Ultimately this was a Folician issue and they had to decide how to handle this. They could keep hiding but eventually something would tip Earth off there were Aliens living there. They didn't want it to impact on the flow of trade since it had been good for all five worlds even if Earth didn't realize it. They had been carefully introducing tech to improve so many things.

We come in peace - Folician Chronicles 8Where stories live. Discover now