Chapter 15 - Howl for the loss

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Joan and her husband

Even as the others were talking to the wolves she was relaxing against her husband. At this point she wasn't sure what to think or do. Instead of doing anything she settled for leaning against him and relaxed.

"Love you Joan, we do need to talk but I will love you no matter what. My wife and how I have enjoyed the time we've had. Hate the time you spend away from me doing your job but it's worth it." He gave her a good kiss and tonight he was going to spend his time with her. Zantha had been frigging hot but he loved his wife.

Joan returned the hug and kiss. What they had seen while aboard the shuttle had been incredible. She was shocked but oddly not surprised. Having the two show up had been interesting but not unexpected for some reason to her. She was going to talk to her husband later.


She jerked her head towards the shuttle when Adam asked for a lift, "Come on, we need to talk anyways." They climbed on the shuttle and it quickly lifted off and headed towards the sky. Once they were underway she turned to the wolves, "We have been discussing this and would like to give you a communication implant. It isn't the full neural implant, simply so you can contact the enclaves without having to worry about the calls being traced. We would need to scan you in your various forms before we did that but would you be interested?"

Adam smiled and nodded, "Yes. I think our mates should get it too." He looked to Zane, "How about you?" Even if they didn't want to give them the full interface, he would take whatever they would give them.

Zane talked to his wolf for several minutes before he responded, "He doesn't like the idea of having something floating around in his mind. His suggestion was to bring those in question into the pack or make them pack friends and form bonds with them." He made a slight face, "Other than that he is willing to consider it. His other comment was you first. I think he's worried about his brain going poof or something."

Fury groaned and wanted to facepalm, "Just for that I'm going to make sure Spike breaks out the probes for you Zane. And the ball-with-strap thing our other doctor still has on her desk." Just for good measure she growled at him.

Adam chuckled, and shrugged, "I'm willing to go first. Although if my brain goes poof, you get to be alpha." He teased his second. He knew that he had no interest in being alpha. He grinned at the others in their group, as they were looking confused.

Zane growled at him, "I was Alpha for ten years. To damn much work and if anyone gets probed start with him." He was trying to figure out what she was talking about with the gag thing and decided not to ask. He really didn't want to know.

"I hate you Ray, I really do. Not only for your humor but for introducing Simon to us. He might be the father of our children but he has your sense of humor. Now you are asking us to deal with others with a similar humor. I'll bite you and Simon later." Fury grumped at them as she was glaring at them, "I guess it doesn't matter if you are human or something else, you all have horrible senses of humor."

Zantha thumped Ray for good measure, "I'd thump you two but not sure what your wolves would do." She did growl at them for good measure, "I'll bite him for you Fury. I heard about Gentle nipping his butt shortly after they met. I'll leave a mark this time."

"Can't get no respect durn it!!!" Ray grumbled at Zantha before he smirked at her, "Remember I bite as well. Bite my butt and I'll bite back." He leaned against her and relaxed, "There shouldn't be any problem with getting the implant." Their tech won't allow an implant if it might impact on the recipient.

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