Chapter 13 - I have a question for you

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Ray wakes next to Joan

Ray woke shortly after Joan did and he sighed since what had happened hadn't been intended. When she asked to join him in bed he had planned on just sleeping. For some reason, both had been interested and it had gone way further than either had planned or expected, "Morning Joan, I'm sorry about what happened. I enjoyed being with you but it wasn't intended. I know you are married and having been human I know what marriage means. Please forgive my indiscretion." He was going to growl at the Pack Lord since his presence had worked both of them up the day before.

Joan wasn't quite sure what to say. It had been damn enjoyable even with Zantha in the bed. What was she supposed to say? It had been bloody frigging enjoyable and he had hit all her buttons, "Don't know what to say Ray. I'm going to need to talk to my husband about this. We aren't in an open relationship but he knows I've been forced to do similar due to my job. I did work undercover for a number of years and it did happen due to that. Since I moved over to the normal FBI aspects I haven't had to." She felt his arms around her and damn they felt good.

"Then invite him up and we'll talk about it tonight. He should know what happened and I'll talk to him about it. Even if you don't realize it part of the draw was due to the Pack Lord. Even when he isn't trying there is a draw to him. I did enjoy last night but wouldn't do anything to impact on your family or relationships. We aren't monogamous but that doesn't mean we don't understand relationships. Now time for a shower and then back to work. I'll have you brought down with us. Talk to your husband and have him come to New York." He knew she didn't have kids since she had mentioned it last night. Ray was man enough to admit it had been damn enjoyable and he wouldn't mind a few more nights with her.

Joan rolled out of bed and stood so she could stretch, "Shower sounds good. Give me a few moments." She headed to the bathroom and eventually stepped into the shower. When Ray joined her and Zantha she almost wanted to groan. It didn't help when he started working shampoo into her hair. Once they were done she was doing her best not to consider taking him back to bed. He was hot and sexy and so was Zantha. Maybe she could talk her hubby into spending time with the Liraque and she wouldn't feel as bad.

Once they left the room and headed to the dining area she had to appreciate the scents. The food smelled damn good and she could feel her mouth starting to watering as they approached the serving line. There was something like pancakes, a dark syrup, sausage, and coffee. She took a bit of everything. When they settled down at a table she focused on the food, "Man this is darn good."

He grinned, "It is. The Folician's have long since decided feeding the crew of their ships keeps them happy. I understand and agree. They have some darn good food. The temple and my pack has some darn good food as well." When Fury and Fiery settled down across from them he smiled at them, *An oops happened and I'm going to be inviting her husband to the ship. It wasn't intended but the Pack Lord showed up yesterday.* There wasn't much else to say.

Fury wanted to groan but ended up just flicking her ears at him, *Durn gods. Nothing but trouble at times. Thanks for letting me know and that will be fine. Have him come to New York and we can bring him up on the shuttle. Not going to transport unless we don't have a choice.* She dug into the food as well.

Zantha wrapped an arm around Joan, "Please relax and we will explain this to your mate. It is a Folician issue but we do understand how other cultures look at it. I will be there to help comfort both of you." She nuzzled Joan's neck before she went back to eating.

"Thanks Zantha and it helps but also feels wrong." She would call him once they reached the planet. Until then she was going to focus on the now and not what had happened. It didn't help that she would love to have some more time with Ray. He had been very good and as good as her husband.

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