Chapter 16 - What should we do?

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Ray and Elly

"You don't have to make a decision right now. I should have asked, since the Goddess took interest in your father may I have your permission to bring him to my pack and inter him? My offer for you to come back is still good as well. Come, help us inter him, and visit for a week or two. Let my packs comfort you." He kept holding her as he was talking.

"I don't know Ray, I'll need to think about it. Can we talk later? I'm trying to wrap my head around his passing on. I saw the part where those two beings appeared in the room but why would she have taken an interest in my father?" He had been a good father and he deserved something but what would be right? He had planned on being cremated so that wasn't a problem. She just wasn't sure about leaving. What would her work say? She could try and apply for an extended leave due to the loss but her boss was an ass and chances were good she would lose her job.

"Come with Zantha and I tonight. We can give you a good massage and comfort. Nothing else, just comfort. It is how we comfort pack. I don't know how long we are going to be here but we can give you enough time to think up until we leave. Even if we work out some sort of treaty this ship will be leaving eventually. It does have a job to do. Simon and I'll be going back with the pregnant women and you would come with us. Until the decision is made by you, your father's body will be placed in stasis." He knew she probably wouldn't take him up on the offer to spend the night with them but they could at least give her some comfort.

She twitched at the suggestion and blushed. Not knowing the Folician's and what they were really like Elly wasn't sure about that, "Just a room would be fine. I do need to go back tomorrow since I have work. I need to let my boss know I need some time off."

He leaned back and wrinkled his muzzle at her, "We can do that also but at least come and soak in the tub and then Zantha can give you a good back massage. Maybe some food to eat and just relax. The Pack Father's room aboard ship is one of the few places they have bathtubs. The Folician harem has a small space as well. Believe me Zantha has some magical hands and I usually feel like putty when she is done. As far as time off for work we can take you down in the morning."

"I'll think about it Ray. I think I need to lay down and try and rest." She was almost at a loss for what to do.

"Why don't we sit here and you can look at the planet and relax. If I need to step out I'll have Zantha or one of the others come and sit with you." He glanced at one of the women to get her something to drink, "This is a juice my little brother enjoys a great deal. It's called Permon juice. Non-alcoholic just so you know." He took a mug of ale from the woman as well and took a sip. It was helping having someone not involved to relax with.

She took the glass and took a sip, "Thank you and that sounds good. This is really interesting." She glanced at what he was drinking but decided it wasn't a good idea right now. It did look good but getting drunk now wouldn't help. She leaned against him and let the tears trickle. She had never been a woman who would sob or scream out when she was crying. It was quiet and private but she could feel the sympathy of the others in the room. She didn't even bother looking when someone sat down on the other side of her. Oddly enough it did help.


Wolves in space

Melody had briefly discussed it with Jonah and she quickly sent to Zane they didn't want one. She explained why he completely understood. Their mating bonds were still forming and then there was the change when he was able to. Last night she had informed Adam and the others he was going to come back with them and moved to the pack. He was going to wait to join until they were there so the entire pack could celebrate. He passed that onto Adam since they had already decided it was just going to be the four of them.

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