Chapter 3 - Why are we being asked for?

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UN Meeting

When they walked into the conference room Ray looked around and had to admit it was nice looking. When he realized he had added 'for a primitive world' on the end he almost had to laugh. He had gotten so used to the tech on Folicia coming back to Earth was always a shock. They were shown to some seats and he settled down next to Fury and Fiery. There was a seat for Zantha but for the moment she was standing behind Ray with her hands on his shoulders. The guards stood behind them. They were in just the skin suits so they didn't look very threatening.

Ray couldn't help but smile slightly since Zantha was getting many looks from both the men and women. She was a dam good looking woman and her coloration was striking. He had a feeling if they ended up staying on Earth she was going to be getting a number of offers to spend time with some of the people. When Savior climbed up on the table and settled down they received even more stares. Ray simply stroked his friend and smiled slightly. If they wanted to know they could ask.

He had to wonder if Moretta was going to be in heat soon. The first heat she ended up with five eggs. The tiny dragonettes had attached to some of the Folician's at the New York enclave. Two of the others had ended up with Dark Storm and Silent. The next few clutches had the dragonettes attaching to others on Folicia and the space ships. By now they had about fifteen of them.

Fury settled down as well and accepted a cup of coffee someone brought over. She lightly flavored it as Paulo moved to the podium, "I want to welcome our visitors. Even though they've been introduced already, this is Captain Fury, her Liraque Fiery, and Pack Father Ray and his Liraque Zantha. Captain would you care to come up and say something?"

She stood and headed towards the podium. When Fiery stood and followed her they both received odd looks. Once Fury was at the podium she gave everyone a warm smile, "When I introduced Fiery as my Liraque it is a very special position on Folicia. She will always remain by my side no matter what. I'm not going to explain what a Liraque is right now since it is very hard to explain. Think of her as a personal assistant with some special abilities. I'm mentioning this since she will be with me no matter how classified a meeting might be. As mentioned Zantha is Ray's Liraque and will be with him the same as with Fiery and me. We will make documentation available about the basics of Folician's culture. Having said that..." She had been looking around the room and paused.

"Are there any Were's in the room? We picked up the broadcasts of what you called Supernaturals coming out. We were hoping to meet some and greet them as well. I was told to ask for one Alpha Adam Wolfe. Would you please make him available or see if he is available?"

A number of the Security Council glanced at each other since that wasn't something they had expected at all. The sounds of raised voices ran through the room as they were discussing what to do. Paulo finally took over, "Her request isn't unreasonable. I'll contact the Canadian PM and see about arranging a flight down and some rooms for him if needed. Would you care to say something else Captain Fury?"

"Thank you, I would really appreciate it if you can get it taken care of. I will say a brief greeting since I would like to extend my greetings to them as well." She looked around the room and smiled again, "From Folicia and the Folician people I wish to extend our greetings to the people of Earth. As with what the broadcast indicated, we wish to open peaceful communications with Earth and the countries of Earth. Since you have achieved space flight and are of a sufficient tech level it was decided we could now contact you. We also wish to discuss trade with Earth as well. What we want to trade can be discussed a different day. Unless Paulo has anything planned I would be more than happy to answer questions about Folicia. We can also show you some images of our world as well."

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