Chapter 18 - Return to Folicia

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Pack Lord and the Goddess

They were in her realm since it was the most comforting. She was between his legs and leaning back against his chest. As she was sitting there she could feel his strong fingers stroking her temples. Even as he was doing that one of her ladies was doing something similar to him. For him she was stroking his face as well as rubbing his temples since he loved having that done.

"I feel bad for what happened but it was needed. For Ray I feel even worse but we needed his catalyzing the situation. He is a strong man and he will deal with his reactions. It is going to be hard on him but we needed his help and he responded." The Pack Lord was feeling strained by what they had done but based on what they could feel it was honestly the best for both of their worlds.

The Goddess had to sigh in sadness, "I know but it really hurts having asked him to help only to have him react this way. I understand even if he doesn't yet. It isn't just because he is a Pack Father but also because he is a Liraque. Even at the distance from Earth the ship would he would have reacted to the emotions by both aspects. Dancer will help him but this will be the last time we ask anything like this of him. I won't let the fates call on him again." She was speaking to the Pack Lord and to the Fates. Essentially, she was drawing a line in the sand though she wouldn't recognize the saying.

He rumbled at her, "Agreed. I've already made my opinion known to them and if needed I'll stand up and fight them. They know that wouldn't be good for our world and won't chance something which might cause our race any further issues." They were deities and they had made their thoughts known. The Fates were powerful but if it came down to a confrontation between them the deities would win.


Earth's reaction

At first the broadcast from the ship wasn't believed. Many of the representatives felt it was a way of positioning for a better bargain for whatever they wanted. Some believed they were there for trade and to see what humans might want to offer to trade with. Others simply didn't believe they were there for any reason other than to takeover. Kei knew better since he'd felt their spirits and they were saying what they were feeling. There were hints of wanting or needing something else but nothing negative against the world.

When the ship backed out of the parking orbit most of them still believed they would be coming back. While they waited for it to turn around and head back to earth they were talking about the information which had been on the thumbdrive. It was an incredible amount and it was going to take time to read through it and study it. For those who had, instead of having their assistants do it, matched it up with what had been said. It was in far more detail than what had been given during the sessions. From the short time they had the documents it went into much of Folician life and culture. It gave more details on pack structure, inter-pack relations, religious beliefs, and so much more.

They did notice there was a distinct lack of how tech was used or incorporated into their society. That, obviously, made a number of the representatives suspicious. Kei was feeling the surge and flow of spirts and wanted to laugh. One or two were willing to believe the Folician's had left. The rest couldn't believe they had. One thing they had noticed was when the ship accelerated it was significantly faster than when they came in. Coming in from Jupiter was right at fourteen hours. He wasn't any sort of space math expert but he was guessing three or four hours before they hit Jupiter. From there he didn't know if they could do whatever for FTL or what. As the meeting continued suddenly a number of the assistants entered the room and whispered in their ears.

Paulo broke into the current discussion, "I think that proves they have left. I'm sure we are all receiving reports of the ship vanishing off the scopes. Anyone wish to speak?" This was going to be so much fun he might end up eating a bottle of tums this evening. As it was his assistant was feeding him herbal tea designed to calm him down. Little did he realize it was a version of what was given for over strained talents. She had discovered it several years before and when he was stressed it did help.

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