Chapter 6 - Holy shit he's what?

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Back to the U.N. 2

Adam and Zane shared an amused look, as they sat down. They had smelled the Kitsunes, and had realized who they were when they had been introduced. Since they hadn't been introduced any differently than the humans, both had played along to not blow their cover. It wasn't their secret to share.

Over the weekend, Adam had found out some other supernaturals had been at the UN over the time. He had checked with Guinness World Records, and laughed. It confirmed they confirmed the wolves were listed in both first supernaturals, and first werewolves to visit the UN to address the security council. They were the first known and documented to be there. Even if others came out, their firsts would stand. Someone would still end up with egg on their face for jumping the gun.

They were thinking of other 'firsts', and had asked for their mailing address, to send the plaques to put up. When they asked about 'Fastest' and 'strongest', he just about fell out of his seat laughing. Adam ended up forwarding the request to the elders for discussion about having them visit for the spring trials. It was where they used physical and mental skill tests to validate member skills, which was used to rank them. Fastest? He would have fun doing that, but wasn't sure they wanted the actual speed to come out. Same with strongest. He might have to see if they could not publish the numbers.

Zane quirked an eyebrow at the Kitsunes and wasn't surprised they were the Japanese representatives, *Interesting and actually hadn't expected anyone to show themselves like this.* What bothered him was he hadn't scented them. If they had a way to conceal their scent that wasn't good and would like to find out how they did it. It would make guarding Adam harder. He didn't expect one of them to randomly try to attack Adam but he was trained to be paranoid, *Might have to talk to Langdon about the Kitsunes and stop and talk to them before we leave.*

*I hadn't expected them either. Although, maybe they wanted to let someone else be the first one to be here. Go for it. Not sure on what he knows.*

As Adam and Zane were talking Paulo gave both of two Kitsunes a concerned expression, "Would you care to explain this? It would have been nice to have known." He was going to have to work hard to keep control of the council. They were already starting to freak out and if he didn't do anything he might as well recess.

The first to start yelling was the Russian's Representative. He wasn't quite to the point of beating on the table it was close. Even as he was yelling the Chinese started followed by other countries. Fury gave Ray an odd look.

Ray ended up shrugging slightly, *The representatives know about the supernatural but probably expected to only have Humans on the Security Council. Let them rant for a while and deal with it. It isn't our job to try and say something about their politics. If you're worried about something violent happening it wouldn't. Mostly it's just the various reps making a point and staking their position. I've seen it before at some of the pack father meetings. Heck, I've done similar before.* Thank goodness the human's weren't good with reading their expressions yet. He had a slightly sardonic smile on his face.

She had to stare at him as she tried to imagine him acting like some of the people in here. That smile on his face wasn't just for them but for her. She knew Ray was going to watch her try and imagine his doing something like this. With a flick of her ear at him she turned back to what was going on.

Paulo finally ended up using the PA to take control, "Enough! I understand you are going to need to contact your governments. I'm recessing this until after lunch." He turned to the Folician's, "I apologize for the short meeting. That wasn't expected so we need some time to check with our governments. If you'll excuse me. Your guide will remain with you to ensure you have everything you need."

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