Chapter 17 - Forgive me Ray

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Call with Folicia

"I'll let you know if needed Pack Father." She watched him leave and hoped this wouldn't cause a strain between him and Simon even if it was short term. She wasn't allowed to tell Simon either which she hoped he wouldn't find out about. She might be a member of his pack but she was also an officer in a branch of their military.

When the call came in she answered it from her office, "Greetings Planet Mother, Admiral, Senior Temple Mother Temple Father. What are my instructions? I did talk with Pack Father Ray about options. I'd prefer to wait until after you inform me of how you wish to handle this." She was at her desk and sitting at attention.

"We'd expected the Pack Father to be there as well. We hope he isn't to upset with what is happening. After a great deal of consideration, we have decided to step back and hopefully let the world calm down. We are going to leave a communication link in orbit and for the time being be maintaining Operation Disposal if needed. We were contacted by the dragons. They informed us they understood why we tried what we did but we are right on the border of breaking their laws. They informed us to leave unless something changes and the world calms down. They won't let either our species or the human and their derivative face extinction either. Contact the world and inform them of our decision, not why but just the decision. Part of this is also because of the unexpected early release of who Ray really is. Don't remove the schematics for the Fusion plants since they were on the verge of getting one to work. Ours is far safer. What did the Pack Father have to say?"

"Pack Father Ray is dealing with something else right now. After we talked his conclusion is much the same. Leave a way for them to communicate with us and leave. Let the earth calm down and keep maturing and comeback in another twenty or thirty years to see if it would be better than time." Unless directly ordered she wasn't disclosing the conversation they had or certain parts. She knew there was an endgame to this but she hadn't been informed what it was. It would help everyone, both his world and theirs. It was even higher classified than the results of the analysis.

Dancer gave her a knowing look, "If needed have Zantha or Ray call me. Same for both of you. I understand how stressful this is going to be for the two of you. If needed send Ray and Zantha back on a transport if needed. That is an order from his Temple Mother." She nodded when Fury accepted the order.

Golden gave Fury a slightly knowing look, "My orders are the same for both Ray and Simon. If you are worried about how they are doing talk to Spike and Fury's doctor. Follow their advice and depending on what their advice is don't let them disagree. Deal with it and we'll deal with the results when you return to Folicia." He had his concerns about sending Ray but the other humans wouldn't work. Hands hadn't been a human long enough to give an adult perspective. Even after this long, Hands was far more Folician than his brother.

"If you don't have anything else I need to let you go and see about generating the message to Earth. If needed have the capitol ships contact me if we get a message from the U.N. If individual nations try how do you wish me to respond?" Chances were good some would try and she needed to know how to handle it.

"If called from the U.N. ensure it is from all of them. If individual countries try to contact you do a general broadcast that we will not deal with individual countries. In other words, the entire world needs to be calling us and not just a few countries. Go and do as ordered Captain."

The call was disconnected thankfully. With a sigh, she sent to Ray and was glad he hadn't blocked incoming calls, *Ray I need to talk to you. I have my orders and I wish to talk to you about the best way to handle them.*

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