Chapter 14 - Meet the Goddess and Pack Lord

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We made it to #22 and with your help I hope we can make it lower.  Read, vote, comment and enjoy.

Herbert and the Goddess

He stared at the woman before he could respond, "Why me Ma'am? I'm just a regular person. Nothing special. I did my best to lead a good life and be a good person. What or why would you want me to come to your ship?" He carefully lifted the cup of coffee to his lips and took a sip.

"Because of that reason alone. Come, let me help you Herbert." She stood and pulled him out of his chair. It only took a moment before they appeared on the ship, "Spike help Herbert and his friend Calgan. Both are old and need some attention. Let Ray and Fury know." She faced out of existence though she left a small box of bones behind.

Spike quickly moved over and gave Herbert a good hug, "Darn deities, not always good with dealing with humans. Come, I'll help you. There is going to need to be a scan to find what all might be wrong with you. We can help some of the aches and pains. Beyond that not sure. You will need to strip down for the scan."

He blushed since she was damn good looking, "Am I really aboard your ship? In space? Never imagined being in space." When she mentioned removing his clothing he wanted to sigh since he had aged and wasn't all that good looking. He had wrinkles and his body wasn't in the best shape. There were scars and excess flesh from when he was younger.

"Relax Herbert, I understand and will help you. There is pride in being old and having been a good person and leading a good life. Don't feel embarrassed. If you want I can give you a cloth to drape over your groin. Come. Let me help you Sir." She urged him over to the table and did her best to help him. She ignored his flush as he stripped before she helped him onto the scanner, "Relax and it takes about fifteen minutes. Ray felt much like you since he was so slender and dealing with a heart condition." She gave him a light nuzzle before she left after pulling the curtains around the scanner and started it working.

When she came back she pressed an injector against his neck, "This will help with the aches. You are going to need to talk to the Captain and Ray before anything else happens. Are you hungry? It is almost lunchtime and you need to eat." She pulled some robes out, "Your clothing is being cleaned and these will cover you until they are done. Now come, get dressed and we can eat."

Herbert let her help him and he did feel better. His joints were feeling better though not perfect. He had to admit whatever she gave him helped a great deal more than what he normally took, "Thanks Ma'am." He still had a slight limp but it was better than it had been. He couldn't help but appreciate when she took one of his arms and walked slowly to where lunch was going to be.

Spike took his arm, "Please use my usename Spike. I appreciate you saying Ma'am but it is what I prefer. I hope you enjoy the food." She walked him to the dining area. When they walked in she spotted Simon and gave him a pleased smile, "After we get some food I'll introduce you to one of our stray humans. Simon has a pack back on Folicia." She brought him to the head of the line, "Everyone give Herbert and his pet some room. I'm going to take him to the lounge later and you can come and say hello then." She handed him a tray and started adding food her to both as she explained what the food was.

He looked around and couldn't help but smile. All the women in the room looked over and gave him a lite croon before they went back to eating. As he was looking he noticed Simon but didn't realize he wasn't all that much younger than he was. He looked to be maybe 40 at most, "Sounds good Spike and the food smells good." He listened to what she was saying and took the food she suggested. When they were done getting the food they walked over to where Simon was and he carefully sat down and placed a small bowl of food and water on the floor for Galcan, "He be needing to go potty shortly. Been a while since he was outside."

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