Chapter 7 - What is the gem worth?

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Getting the gem checked

She paid for the lunch as soon as the Folician's had left the shop. It was tight since she didn't have a lot of money bit it was going to be worth it. If this stone was worth what she thought she was going to make out like a big dog. She had a small silk bag she kept a few earrings in tucked into a pocket in her purse. She pulled it out, tossed the gem in and finished closing up for the night. One of her co-workers gave her a raised eyebrow and she stuck her tongue at him, "Come with and we can split the cash. We should get a nice pile of cash from it. I would keep it but I need the money."

He snorted at her and returned the favor by sticking his tongue back at her, "Tell me about it. I want a new roomie or even better yet a better place to live. One of my roomies simply doesn't understand the concept of clean up after yourself. She is a slob from hell." He helped her finish closing and after making sure everything was taken care of the two slipped out the back. Since they had the stone they flagged down a cab and asked to be taken to the Diamond District. The cabbie started chatting and all the usual things.

Eventually they arrived and they climbed out. Both had watched an episode of one of the shows on the discovery channels and headed to one of the placed mentioned. Neither knew what would be the best place or worst place to go. They finally walked into one shop and straight up to the counter. When she was greeted she smiled, "Would it be possible to talk to the owner or senior gem person? I have a gem I think he might be interested in." From what she understood most were guys.

"What might you have? I might be able to help you?" She wasn't looking very impressed though she was looking very professional.

After rolling her eyes she pulled the pouch out and carefully pulled the gem out and placed it on a soft cloth, "This was given to me by a Folician in payment for lunch. I have proof as well. Now I think that might be worth whoever is in charge's interest and attention."

The woman raised an eyebrow before she pulled out a jeweler's loupe and used a pair of forceps to pick the gem up. She carefully examined it before waving them to follow her as she moved to a series of machines. After placing the gem in the first unit she activated it and waited for it to finish. When it did she looked at the display and raised both eyebrows. After putting it in a second unit she finally had to admit it wasn't a stone she had ever seen before. It was similar to a diamond but had elements unlike any she had seen before in one. The color was different as well. It wasn't of any registered color used for rating diamonds.

"What is the proof you have? I will need to know before I do anything." With proof this half carrot gem was worth millions right now. If she could purchase it and immediately turn around and sell it before any more hit the market she could make a damn good killing on it.

The young woman pulled out her phone and played the footage she had copied from the security camera's, "There you go, watch that and it'll prove what I'm saying." She handed the phone over and waited for the woman to watch it, "Now can I speak to someone in charge? I'm sure they'll be more than interested in this stone."

The woman smiled, "I happen to own this store. I have to admit I am somewhat interested and the footage does look real. What are you wanting for the gem?" Hell she would give the two fifteen or twenty grand for the gem. The machines she had ran it through had returned a 'stone unidentified' which was virtually impossible. Every type of gem stone and their normal standards, were loaded into the machine. The stone wasn't something from Earth and she knew it.

The young woman gave her an evaluating look, "I know it is going to be worth a fortune since it is the first stone available from Folicia. We want a percentage of what you can make from it. I think 40% of what you get would be reasonable." Hell, she would go for 20%. It was very possible it would be worth one hundred grand and that would give both of them ten grand each.

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