Chapter 2 - Going to the U.N.

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Eliza's reaction

When the broadcast started Eliza stared at it before she started laughing. It had been a while since she had seen Ray and she figured he would be on the ship. If no him then Hands, "I can see the local therapist getting more work with them coming to earth like this. Wonder if Ray's there and if we could invite him to dinner with some of the crew." Some of the family had decided that Christmas hadn't happened and made themselves forget.

He shook his head, "Didn't see this happening. Then again I didn't expect to see the were's coming out either. It would be nice to see him and find out how everyone is doing." They did keep in contact with the Enclave but it wasn't the same as meeting them.


Misty's Reaction

Misty had been informed the Folician's were coming out and they had timed it for when she had just come back. Blake had done another tour on one of the scout ships. He was considering retiring to one of the Folician worlds since technically he was almost to old to keep going into the field. He had been forced to start using a dye to make his hair and beard look like he was aging. By now he would be in his mid to late 50's but actually looked about 30.

The two of them were sitting in the lounge of the Enclave while Misty was holding her newest baby. Moretta was draped across the back of the chair with her head next to the babies. She was quietly warbling at the pup. Blake had managed to knock her up but that was years ago and their baby was now almost an adult and on Folicia. He was going to be remaining there and working with Hands since he also had a leaning for Engineering, "And we get to watch the world flip out again. This is going to bring the nutters out even more than the supernatural coming out did. Conspiracy theories FTW!!!"

Blake snorted at her but she was right. There was an entire subculture built around the idea of Aliens existing, "Yup, the UFO nuts are going to be having a heyday out of this. Wonder how they are going to deal with the aliens looking like dogs and not grays or lizard men." He snickered even as he leaned over and caught a foot of the baby. He was nursing currently and looked very content. From what he understood this was a baby from one of the harem males aboard ship. He was a cute little pup.

"Might go up to the ship and say hello to Ray and Simon. It would be nice to see him again. Been to long since the last time I took a vacation on Folicia. I'm going to have to think about applying for some time off and go home and see my brothers and all my other relatives."

Smiles was relaxing next to them and she was grinning. Recently she had come across a song on youtube called Star Trekkin. When she had listened to it she had collapsed as she was laughing so hard, "Just remember we come in peace... shot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill." She started laughing again.

Gloria groaned, "Damn you woman, that was horrible and I know the song. So wrong and I'm going to tickle you." She leaned forward and started running her fingers across Smiles ribs with malice.


Worlds reaction

The reaction of the population was similar to when the Were's came out. Most of Canada watched the broadcast and the following video's from Folicia. The phones and video calls were going wild as people were calling family and friends about the broadcast. There were some which were making negative comments. Blogs and chat rooms exploded on the net and people were killing bits and bytes by the terabytes. Most were useless but some were asking valid questions.

When Robinson saw the broadcast he could feel his fingers start itching to type something. Since his arrest and being in jail he had done his best to be a good boy. The woman who had sued him for back child support hadn't helped either. That had gone viral and he had barely been able to get a job once he was out of jail. It didn't help that Zane person still looked early to mid-20's. That alone was enough to make him pissed off.

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