Chapter 10 - What the hell did you say about the Folicians?

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Fusion Results

Over the next several days the forum he'd set up had started blowing up with information. It was just scratching the surface but the people he had called in were some of the best and brightest. It was showing in what they were coming up with when it came to the differences between Folician and human tech. They had learned so much even in just the few days they had been working. There had been some breakthroughs some years ago but for some reason it had stalled.

As they were working he had been forced to expand the size of the group. They simply didn't have enough people to do what they needed. Much of it was the programmers needed to work on the code. It was bloody complex and he knew they needed help. He knew coding but this was way past what he had experience with. By now he had come to the conclusion this was a real and valid technology, So what are the thoughts on what we have discovered? It was sent out to everyone in the group. He was going to give it a half hour before he went and crashed for the night.

Pshyic35 replied, I'm going all French, fucking awesome. I can't see anyway they could harness this in a negative way. I suppose it is possible but I do feel positive about this. It will give our planet what we need to combat global warming and the dependency on fossil fuels. If we could advance battery tech as much as this we could get rid of almost all petroleum needs in two years. The oil company would need to change but damn it we need this.

Jack4trade had to reply, It isn't just the power but we can learn so much from the plants. It will impact on so many subjects. They have what I would call hyper dense room temp superconductors. They can be used in so many fields, automotive technology, medical, seafaring, and so many other aspects of industry. It might take time but give it five to ten years and it will revolutionize what we know and can do.

Other comments came in and the general consensus was this was both real and valid though there were still a number of questions. It was almost to pat and solid, the tech was well developed and could be considered second or third versions. The blending with the human tech was also to pat and solid. This showed they had been watching for some time. How long he couldn't tell but at a guess it would be a good twenty years. How else could they have created this entire system, I think we have enough information. I'm going to see about getting an appointment with my countries leader and discuss this with him. Before that I'm going to head to bed. I'm beat and need the sleep.

He logged off and after a quick shower he fell asleep in his bed.


Visits to other countries and cities

The morning after the meal with the wolves Ray was relaxing in bed with one of the women from the ship. She was quietly snoring as she was resting on his chest. Even as much fun as he was having he was missing his mate and pack, *Kevin, we would like to make some visits to a number of countries. You are more up to date with what countries would be safe to visit. Come up with a list and send it to me. I'm thinking England, Germany, Canada, tentatively Russia but not sure about China. Japan would be on the list and some of the smaller countries. We need face time due to what is coming up in the missing person report.*

Kevin leaned back in his chair, *Can do but as you know anything has to come from you. Well Fury and the ship. Not you but her since she is the representative for Folicia. I'll get it to you as soon as I can. I'm going to send you a few more places to visit in New York. It will take some time to get the list, calls made, and all that good stuff. Later.* He let Ray go since he had an appointment in just a few minutes.

Once he let Kevin go he carefully slipped out from under the woman and headed to the shower. Once he was clean and dressed he quietly left the room. He did leave a message for the woman thanking her for a very enjoyable evening and work called for him. He headed to Fury's cabin and dinged for access.

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