Chapter 9 - More DNA needed?

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Missing persons report and Ray

*What?* Fury was looking shocked. It wasn't about the missing person's report since they already knew about it. She was shocked that someone had slipped it into Ray's folder since that indicated they thought he was the missing person. Even with him looking Folician someone was making the jump to thinking Ray was actually human. She was going to need to get some advice about this as soon as possible. She might just restrict him to the ship until they were able to straighten this out.

The last thing they wanted was to have someone try and take him to see if he really was Folician or human. If someone tried it could get messy and things would go badly for the human's. They simply didn't understand the abilities of their suits and especially the military version. All command suits had some combat abilities but the security teams were far heavier armed. To the best of her knowledge there wasn't anything the security in this build had which could penetrate the armor.

*As I said, and as Kevin reported there is a missing person report on me. Someone tucked a copy of it into my folder along with the police report. It is still open since they haven't been able to locate anything on me since I went to Folicia. They can't close it unless someone has me declared dead, I show up, or they find my body.* He knew the reason the Folician's were there would come out but this wasn't the right time. What he was really interested in was how the connection was made. They didn't have any idea and it was concerning.

*For now, relax Ray. We can deal with your reactions to this later.* Zantha leaned over and nuzzled his ear as she calmed his emotions. When some of the representatives looked at the two she ignored them since this was her job.

He leaned into the nuzzle and couldn't help but smile at some of the looks they were getting. To a human her actions could be taken as intimate though it really wasn't. It was comforting having an ear nuzzled and it was helping, *Thanks Zantha. I needed that and we'll talk later.*

Meeting about dinner invites

Paulo stood and moved to the podium, "Welcome back to all, for the visitors we have placed folders at your seats to show what we have decided. Two days from now there is going to be a cultural buffet. It is going to be for all the representatives as well as those who haven't had a chance to meet you. We ask that you also bring some food down. Hopefully it will be items we can eat as well. Captain Fury do you wish to speak to this?"

She stood and smiled, "I do, what we will provide will be safe for all who are in this room. Not knowing what food allergies others might have we can't say. What we will do is to list Earth equivalent foods for each tray. This way if anyone is possibly sensitive or allergic they will have a good idea to avoid it. Just to ensure nobody is impacted we will have one or two of our doctors here to help in case we missed something."

The British representative indicated she wished to speak. When she was recognized she looked at Fury, "But how will you know what is needed to help someone who might have a reaction to the food? How can you know how our systems might react to your food or even your medications?"

Fury wanted to growl but didn't. That was a question she really didn't want to explain her answer to. Having Ray and the other humans on their planets and ships had informed their race what they could and couldn't eat. Since everyone had nanites it wasn't an issue, "We don't know all of your allergies or what you can or can't eat. What we can do, is if someone reacts negatively to what we bring down we can treat them. It is the nanites which we use as medication. They can neutralize the potential reactions. Please, remember, we want trade and peaceful relations. It wouldn't be good for us to have anyone react and die. If needed we can take the person to our ship for treatment."

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