Chapter 12 - Discussion with the FBI Director

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More fusion conversations

Most of the scientists went to their bosses and then towards their nearest version of a Scientific Advisor with their bosses. It was going to be an interesting conversation but most knew it was going to be concerning. None of them could really say how long the Folician's had been there watching but they were guessing a good fifteen or twenty years. It could easily be far longer but they didn't have any proof. All the servers, computers, and human tech needed was modern and in some cases upcoming tech which some countries were working on.

He walked into the office he had been directed to and settled down and waited. The man on the other side of the desk looked at him, "What do you want? I don't have much time right now. Everyone is freaking out over the Aliens."

"Sir, myself and others have giving the schematics for the fusion plant a good going over. It is going to take a good deal more examining but it appears to be valid. The other issue is we have questions on the mixture of tech and programming. They have watched us long enough to have a solid base of our tech and it is showing. The programming is human but... More compact I guess would be the way to put it. The programmers who have been looking at the coding have been learning a great deal. You need to know this sir. I'm going to keep looking but this is going to be something very good for our world."

The man managed not to glower at the scientist since this was something they really did need. Having a clean power which wasn't from their neighbors would be so very good for their company. He took a sip of his tea, "Keep looking and let me know what else you find. Keep me in the loop and about anything you find which might help. I'll take care of what is needed to give you freedom to deal with this." He frowned before he looked up again, "You are now in charge of ensuring the first fusion plant is up and running as soon as possible. Make it happen Scotty." He dismissed him and wondered how much the world was going to change in the next five years.

Others were having similar conversations with their governments. Most were progressive since the lead scientist hadn't involved those he considered subversive. It was going to be interesting to deal with everyone who had been involved.


U.N. Assembly

*Fucking great! Not happy camper Fury. I have a note to meet someone in a side room from the sounds of it.* He sent her a visual of the note before leaning back in his chair and took the cup of coffee Zantha provided. As he was sipping it he leaned back and rested his head against her. When he opened his eyes, and looked around he almost smiled. They were being stared at since it wasn't something humans would do in this situation. He closed his eyes and relaxed until the meeting was called to order.

Paulo looked at the two and had to wonder before he called the session to order, "Good morning. As everyone knows we are going to have a cultural dinner this evening. All are invited and also requested they bring something from their culture and country. Now on to the next topic, Pack Father Ray, not trying to be nosy but several of us have noticed you relaxing against your Liraque. Would you mind addressing that?"

Ray sat up though Zantha had her hands on his shoulder, "Not a problem Paulo. As we introduced both Zantha and Fiery they are our Liraque. We also mentioned it was a special connection with them. Humans don't have anything similar to Liraque. Even as she works as my personal assistant she also works as my therapist, in human terms. Since we are a very communal species physical contact is very important to us." He grinned at Paulo even as his eyes flashed to the female Kitsune, "It is something humans could stand to learn since it is very enjoyable."

Fury wanted to sigh at the last bit but Ray was right. Even as she was mentally grumbling at him Fiery moved forward and rested her hands on Fury's shoulders and leaned forward slightly. It was just enough for Fury to relax against her chest, "We, Zantha and I haven't spoken much since this is for our Liraqua to deal with but this question deals with us and our abilities. We have talked about what we are but it is probably hard for humans to understand. When we say personal assistant, it is somewhat similar to what we do but only the mundane stuff. We help calm our Liraqua when needed so they can have clear heads in emergencies. We help them deal with extreme emotions due to issues in their past. Not all of us are assigned long term to our Liraqua. Most work for three to five turns with a client for a specific issue. With some of the senior most Folicians some of us are drawn to them long term. I've been with Fury for what you would say, maybe thirty years. Ray's first pack mother had been one of the Liraque who moved from client to client as needed to help them."

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