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Mailing each other letters ✔️

It really doesn't make much sense to be mailing letters when we see each other almost every day and we could just tell each other want we want to through messages. I was a bit sceptical on why you would suggest something old school like this. But I knew you'll have your reason to it, knowing all to well your love for symbolism and metaphors.

Being the emotional one, but that's your charm.

It would take a few days before our letters each us and every time you mailed your letter, you would always enthusiastically ask me whether I've received it or not. Your cheery tone made me ask you on what the content was to have made you so eager for me to read.

But you would always result in self-meditating on how you should control yourself to not spill out the contents you've written. You didn't even give me a single clue, no even when I tickled you until you went out of breath for laughing so hard.

And the day came, the mysterious content finally revealed. It was a collection of your favourite phrases that I spoke. Most of them, I didn't even remember letting out. I never thought you would remember those details.

The coming letters were the same, letters of your favourite things. A letter of your favourite things we did. A letter of your favourite movie lines. A letter of your favourite excerpts.

What became my favourite letter was a letter explaining why you wanted to do this, "It's a thrilling thing to wait for what the recipient would react upon reading our letter. Sometimes, we easily forget what we're sharing with others but letters are another thing. Posts online can be modified and be piled under other posts. Letters, on the other hand, you can't change anything once you sent it to the post office. And people would appreciate the afford you put into carefully written down the contents of the letters. Or that's what I see it."

Truly, I appreciated your letters and kept all them nicely where I can reread them, feeling delighted that I had a chance to do this with you.

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