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Ten moons ago, Janja has taken a new hyena into his clan, the first female clanmate he has ever gotten. Her name is Kilio, a Southern Hyena, a tiny cub.

A cub from a bad past, and a life ticked by death, and motivated to prove herself even when she's finally away from her birth clan and when she now has nothing to prove; she just felt tiny and felt like she wanted to prove something, to them and to herself.

"Kilio? What are you doing?" Janja asks as he approaches the hyena infront of him, who is laying on her stomach while looking up to the skies.

"Nothing Janja, just stargazing." Kilio said as she continues to gaze up at the stars above her.

"I told you not to stay up late." Janja said, "You can't hunt when your eyes are half-closed."

"I know but I'm just stargazing." Kilio said before sitting up.

"You can't hunt when you're up late, go to sleep." He said and pushed Kilio back into the volcano den. Kilio rolls her eyes before she lays her head onto the warm ground and everything went quiet before-

"Hey Janja?" Cheezi quietly started.

"Yeah? What do ya want?" Janja answered slightly cranky about this.

"What time are we hunting tommorow?" Chungu asked as Cheezi looked nervous. In fact, everyone became nervous and Kilio had to wonder.

"Wait why is everyone so nervous?...... oh, that's why." Kilio grumbled in thought.

"Tommorow at the crack of dawn furbrains" Janja said before falling asleep.

"Oh crud." Kilio muttered.

"Oh and Kilio.... can you patrol the area tommorow?" Janja groaned out as he tries to stay awake to hear her answer.

"Sure thing, a quick patrol wouldn't hurt." She said. He gave a warm smile before falling asleep.

"Goodnight guys." Kilio whispered.

"Goodnight Kilio." Everyone whispered back.


"Okay who's turn is it to wake him up?" Nne asks nervously.

"No one! We are not gonna lose our spots after we wake him up!" Cheezi whispered-yelled.

"What about Tano?" Kilio said and every one gave him a 'do it' look.

"M-me?! W-why me? How about Cheezi and Chungu?" Tano said, stuttering.

"Because we say so." Kilio said and pushed him back inside the den and peeped through the entrance.

He took a deep breath and tried to wake him up.

"Hey Janja! Come on we have to go!" He whispered to his ear. He's a really heavy sleeper.

Tano flicked his ear and even tugged on it but nothing.

"I can't look!" Chungu said as he covered his eyes.

"Me neither!" Cheezi and added and huddled up with Chungu.

"Janja! Come on! We need to get those herds!" He whispered -yelled. He received a few groans of complaint but Janja didn't wake up.

"Janja! Come on!" He said a little louder.

"Is Janja awake yet?" Mzingo asks. He must've landed while we were focused on Tano.

"Not yet." I answered.

GOOD AND BAD AT THE SAME TIME  (The Lion guard)Where stories live. Discover now