Battered but New /Death's Promise

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"Get off of her!"


Blood lost must be getting to her because that's impossible. Kilio was standing over her, with the grunts and.... was that.... scared whining she can hear from a distance? Oh, haha. Her mind's playing games before passing away, give her false hope before the sudden ending of everything, that's all. There's no way Kilio's still alive, she saw it all and there's just no way.

The Kilio over her started to blur, but through her blurring vision she saw the grey look at her in worry.  Kilio's mouth moved and a sharp pain in her ears followed, making Jasiri flinch and wince.

"Hang----- Jasiri ----- You're gonna----- fine."

-------Just mere minutes ago:-------


Everywhere Kilio turns all she can see is white. When she looks up there is no sky or sun, but the entire place seems to illuminate with just the sheer whiteness.

Her body's intact, and the numb feeling is gone. No blood smears her fur and, miraculously, her scars were all gone, leaving her with unblemished skin and healthy fur. Strangely and most frightening, she's completely calm. Her heart's beating to a calm rhythm and she doesn't feel lost or like she has to run away from danger.

But she's still confused and her mind's swarming with questions.

"Where am I?"

"Hello? Is anybody out there?" She calls the unknown. Silence rang back, her voice didn't even bounce back in an echo. "That means I'm not trapped somewhere closed off... but that doesn't make any sense, why wouldn't it...."

A paw rested on her shoulder, "Kilio,"

Kilio immediately yelped and whirled around, then regretted it.

An animal with blue and gold eyes stared back at her green ones, pupil-less like hers, almost mesmerizing, but the rest of the creature looked like a monster coming from the most terrifying of tales.

The creature was tall, standing two heads taller than her and had mangled black fur and large, sharp white claws. Its head was like a jackal's but bony and narrow, almost emaciated-looking. Two stingers were at its bottom, one blue and the other gold like its eyes.

"Kilio," It spoke again. Its deep ancient sounding voice shook even her bones. "You shouldn't be here."

Kilio's legs shook. Two times. This thing's said her name two times! What the actual-

"Do not be alarmed," It said, "I am not here to hurt you, little cub."

"H-How do you know me?" Kilio took a step back, it didn't advance. "Who are you? And where am I?

"None of this should've been revealed to you, but now that you're here it's best I introduce myself. Do not be afraid of who I am, be afraid for your future after you leave."

Kilio looked at him with terrified and expectant eyes. The creature's multi-colored eyes glowed and the air around them chilled.

Slowly, it spoke. "I am Death, but The Great Kings know me as Reaper."


"D-Death?" Kilio's stomach dropped. "So I'm dead?!"

A nod.

Kilio's paw flew to her head with a loud smack. "I'm dead and you're the Reaper?! I'm doomed aren't I?"

Death tried to come closer to the panicked young only for Kilio to jump back.


"Don't come near me, Death! I'm not ready! I can't just leave! I can't leave Janja and the others!"

"Young Kilio, you've-"


"Kilio!" Death's voice shook even the space they occupied, almost knocking Kilio over with its tremble.

"Do not be too alarmed with your passing. You've been given a chance! Now listen!"

Kilio stood silent. She, of all animals, just argued with Death. What a time to be dead.

"I will not give her name, but when you were younger she made a deal with me. Keep you alive for however many years she has left. And I vowed to keep my end of the bargain." Death said, "You just died. But because of our deal I will bring you back to life in the state of well-being before the fight."

"You will be given life again. I will not say how many more years you have, just know that you are lucky."

Kilio had nothing to say to that. Someone made a deal with Death for her? Who? And why?

"Your thoughts tell me you're confused."

At Kilio's dumbstruck face he continued, "But I will not tell you who she was until your Tue passing. Like I said, you are lucky. Not many get to have a second, or even third chance to live. Live your life lively, cub, you were blessed."

He then approached her. Kilio almost took a step back but held firm. She was going to go back.

"This realm only allows specific memories to remain in you until you're either ressurected or passed on. So, before you go; I would like to remind you of Jasiri."

"Jasiri?" Kilio's eyebrows knitted together.

With a now, Death continued. "So memories of her are not passable here. Very well, I will tell you. She is your friend and she is in grave danger, fighting the Wild Dog you were in conflict alongside her." Death said.

"She fought with me?"

"Yes. And she is dying. I can see through her eyes that she is losing, and if you don't save her.... I'll have to reap her. Despite what livings think of me I do not enjoy reaping, so if there is a way I could intervene then I would."

He looks at Kilio knowingly,

"You want me to intervene." Kilio says, Death smiles a crooked smile. "And I want to intervene too, I can't die until a few years later so I can fight that weakened scrum again." Kilio's lips folded to a snarl.

"Jasiri's my friend, right? But I you said she was dying. How can I save her from that?"

"With my help. Just this once." Death held out his right paw before his right eye started to glow a heavenly blue. "Put your paw on mine and I will lend you my strength to heal, just this once."

Kilio, with slight hesitation and a shaking paw, puts hers over Death's larger paw. It was cold, very cold and unpleasant.

"So this power can heal her?"

"Yes, but only to an extent, an extent I myself have not familiarized with. I've only used this power twice, and both times were over a millennia ago, each try had varying results."

Kilio grew nervous at that. Knowing her insecurity, Death tried to reassure her.

"This will heal all her wounds. She may feel stiff or a little numb, but it will save her."



Kilio's dead. Jasiri's dying.

What do you guys think? Do you think this chapter's okay?

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