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Jasiri's heart was pounding. She couldn't feel the ground with her paws, not when she stood. She didn't even feel her paws, they felt numb to her when she tried to stand. Her scared, angry, and shocked eyes met Kilio's frightened ones.

"Kilio, what did you do to me?!" Her panicked, scared voice made Kilio wince and lower her ears, and just one thought raced in her mind:

"Just how well can she handle it?"

Kilio's paws shook as she took a cautious step forward towards her scared friend, "Jasiri, I know you're scared-"

"I'm beyond scared, Kilio, and so much more. Get to the point!"

"And I'm scared too-"

"I said get to the point, Kilio!" She bared her teeth at the grey, causing Kilio to step back in shock and surprise, and to tuck her tail in shame.

"No more stalling! Just tell me the truth, NOW!" Jasiri yelled. She attempted to stand again, and she did, but like before her paws felt numb to the rough ground. Jasiri's heart raced with overwhelming fear but she glared at the grey in front of her. "You did something to me, and you came back to life! How did you even do that?! What did you do to me!?"

Kilio's claws raked the ground beneath them and sweat started to form and run down her fur. She huffed and looked away, unable to look at Jasiri straight in the eye. 

Jasiri was standing with her claws unsheathed and dug into the ground to keep traction. Her legs were spread and stiffed in an awkward way to keep herself up. The very act of standing took so much concentration just so she wouldn't fall over.

Kilio didn't need to look at her, "There's no fixing this, I really screwed up and there's no fixing this." 

Guilt weighed her down even more. Tears burned in the corner of her eyes as she choked back a sob. "I-It's not easy to believe," Her voice shook. "B-But you're right. I did die,"

Jasiri's eyes widened but Kilio refused to look at her. 

"And Death brought me back here to save you, but it has consequences... this is the price for saving you."


It was 10 minutes before the first two hyenas came back from their scavenging, and Madoa quickly alerted them of her worries and asked them to look after the cubs. The two females were Inira and Aza, two former loners before they formed a clan with Madoa and Jasiri when they were younger. 

They were caught off guard when Madoa ran up to them but the look of worry on her face told them something was wrong. And upon being informed of Jasiri's unusual length of absence, Aza quickly took initiative.

"Inira, watch over the cubs. Madoa, where did Jasiri say she was heading to?"


A/N :

Translations for the new character's names:

Aza - Strong

Inira- To sing

These are actual names and not just translations from English to Swahili.

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