You're alright, I'm okay

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Twelve minutes have passed before Jasiri woke up, and Kilio's never left her side during that time, and in that time the grey had sat herself close to her friend, running through the former's mane with a paw in a soothing manner. Kilio's eyes were darting all over the place, wary of anything and everything . Her fur bristled at the slightest disturbance, whether it be the wind or a stray weed bending over. Her claws almost came out when she heard the distant sounds of birds, but the awareness that Jasiri was okay managed to calm her down before she could accidentally hurt her friend.

"She's okay, she's fine," She told herself repeatedly.

Kilio continued to stroke and run her paw through her friend's mane for twelve minutes, and that was enough time for her to think things over and ponder about her next move. She has just met and argued with Death, and just minutes ago had healed her friend with a power from The Reaper himself! And Jasiri saw her using the power!

What is she going to do when Jasiri wakes up, what is she going to say?!

And what will happen to Jasiri after she wakes up? Death said the power left varying results, what if when Jasiri wakes up and goes blind? What if she can't walk? What if she wakes up but can never move?!

What if she never wakes up at all?!

Kilio's mind raced with every possible results except Death. She can't die, but what if she wakes up not really alive but surviving? As inanimate as a rock?

"No, Kilio, she won't end up like that!" She isn't sure if she can vouch for her own words. Anything can happen, anything that Death himself might not be able to predict.

She tries to think past that and instead thinks about how she's going to explain this to Jasiri. She used a power from someone almost everybody feared and hated, how was Jasiri going to react to that!? And with the consequences and the trauma she'll be shocked if Jasiri will even listen to her.

All because she wouldn't run away.

"This is all my fault," Kilio's heart squeezed with guilt. "All mine." 

She stopped stroking Jasiri's mane and instead sets it on her shoulder. Even away from her chest Kilio could somewhat feel Jasiri's heartbeat, beating to a rhythm Kilio wishes hers to follow suite.

"If I had just set my pride aside you wouldn't have had to stay... and you wouldn't have ended up the way you had..." Tears burned in the corner of her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Jasiri!



Another short chapter, and like last time I'm saving the rest for the next chapter.

What do you guys think?

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