"Purple and Grey! The unlikely duo!"

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It wasn't even two minutes later when a strange scent caught the attention of Kilio. It was strange, it smells like it's canine-ish but at the same time it wasn't. The young hyena looked around suspiciously for the source of the scent, it smelled fresh so the animal couldn't have gone far yet.

"Better be careful," Kilio thought to herself, "Last thing I want is to end up as someone's meal."

Subtly she unsheathed her white claws in case something tries to get the jump on her. It's been a while since she had to fight; as in draw blood through violence and not just wanting someone to leave their turf; but she's still ready to take someone on in the means of preserving her own life.

She walked stiffly, locking certain muscles in a certain way to either sprint from a surprise attack or counter it with her own. A noise. Her ears pricked up at the sound of something shifting from above her, where she's walking on is a canyon, she's not taking the shortcut to the Eastern Border which is obviously the safest route because she is looking for some scraps and the Easter Border hasn't been a lucky spot for as long as she can remember.

Another noise, this time there were many all rapidly padding on the ground. Kilio saw what was coming and ducked down just in time to see an animal she has never seen before tried to pounce on her. The mysterious animal ended up skidding on the ground once he landed and slid a little farther. It growled, narrowing its hazel eyes and baring its teeth, its dark fur standing in edge and its jackal-like tail stiffened.

It was black with patches of golden brown with splotches of white. It looked like a smaller jackal, but it looked stronger than the average scavenger. It growled loudly and Kilio growled back, exposing her claws and narrowing her eyes.

"Get down," Kilio reminded herself, lowering the upper part of her body to attack. It's something Janja had taught her once she was well enough to learn, and it had stuck with her ever since. "Who are you?!" She demanded.

The animal didn't respond, instead it ran towards her. Kilio growled loudly before pouncing, her extended paws gripping the animal by its shoulder fur as she tried to bite down on the animal's face. The animal was stronger than it looked and pushed Kilio down on her back, doing it with its paws on her chest and knocking the wind out of her with one powerful push.

With Kilio winded the animal tried to bite down on her neck but she managed to keep its head in bay with a firm paw placed on its neck to stop it from biting her. Even as she was struggling she still kept in mind to keep her breaths consistent; too fast means more carbon dioxide and the heavier she'll feel, too slow means less oxygen when she needs it the most and more carbon dioxide.

After shaking off the feeling of being winded and taking in a breath Kilio used whatever strength she could muster and pulled it to the side by its fur, rolling them until she was on top. Still, the animal tried to bite her and she couldn't go for the neck or head as she'd be bitten, probably even more as her muzzle was smaller.

The animal snarled loudly and made a mock-bite, something Kilio was not expecting as she nearly stepped off him, it was just enough for the animal to push her off. Kilio quickly recovered from her shock and jumped back, dodging a direct bite to the ear.

When Kilio jumped back the animal went after her, Kilio used her claws and swiped it on its cheeks, the animal hissed in pain but otherwise was unfazed by the small attack. Kilio tried again with another swipe that managed to hook her paw to its flesh, the claws digging into its skin and hooking her to it. The animal cried in pain before biting down on her leg, making Kilio yelp loudly.


Strangely enough, the same scent has found its way into Jasiri's sinuses. They were less fresh but they were still the same nonetheless, and like Kilio, Jasiri had no idea what could smell like the scent she is smelling, and she has a stronger sense of smell.

"What kind of animal is this?" Jasiri wondered. Her ears perked up when all of a sudden she heard a loud, pained yelp out of nowhere; before she recognized who it belonged to. "Kilio?"

"Strange canine scent, then Kilio yelping?" Jasiri managed to put two and two together and panicked. "Oh no," She didn't waste time thinking about what it could be anymore, a pained yelp only meant Kilio was in pain, and with the strange scent around it wouldn't be right to leave her friend in potential danger. So she ran towards the yelp, it came from somewhere just outside the Eastern Border.

She ran and ran as fast as her legs could take her until she made it there, and she saw Kilio having her claws locked onto the leg of another animal and the animal's jaw on her leg. Kilio then bit down on the animal's shoulder, having a hard time reaching its neck.

And with the loudest voice Jasiri could muster at the time she shouted; "GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" And ran towards the animal.

Both Kilio and the animal froze and momentarily stopped their fighting before the animal's teeth was ripped off Kilio's leg, causing the grey to cry out in pain and the animal to do the same thing from its shoulder's gash.

Kilio stood there; surprised at who she saw standing beside her prospectively. "Jasiri? What are you doing here?"

Jasiri looked back at her with concern and seriousness. "I'm here to help."

"You shouldn't be here, you'll get hurt!" Kilio said and pushed Jasiri back, if she wasn't hurt and tired she would've realized how much she's sounding like how Janja treated her on her first encounter with the Lion Guard.

"No, I came here to help and you're hurt!" Jasiri argued, they both then noticed the animal getting up and snarling at them. It got on all fours and ran towards them, because Kilio had been fighting longer and was winded she was feeling a bit dizzy and couldn't react fast enough.

Lucky for her Jasiri was there to push both of then out of the way, knocking Kilio down but saving both of them.

"We need to get out of here," Jasiri quickly said and pushed Kilio up her feet.

"What? No!" Kilio shook her head, "I'm not running away from this!"

Jasiri looked at her as if she was absurd, and she is. "What?! What do you mean, RUN!" She shouted and ran, thinking Kilio would follow her. But her friend didn't.

Instead, Kilio growled at the circling animal who now watched them like a hawk. It growled and Kilio snarled, narrowing her green eyes and extending her claws.

Jasiri stopped running when she heard the growling, and fear overcame her entire body. "Kilio!"

Kilio had an aura of determination surrounding her and fire in her eyes as she glared at the animal infront of her.  "I won't run away from a dog like you. You hear me?! I WON'T RUN AWAY!!!"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Jasiri yelled, "You'll get yourself killed, you'll be dead, a goner! YOU WON'T SURVIVE THIS, COME ON!!!"

The animal shifted its eyes from Kilio to Jasiri, it growled and licked its lips.

"Hey! Keep your eyes on me! I'm your enemy not her! LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" Kilio yelled at it, but it has made its mind.

"The grey one is a harder target. She doesn't know when to quit, she might actually have a shot at dealing me a fatal blow if lucky." The animal thought, "But the purple hyena has the idea to run, meaning she doesn't have the fire of the grey. She'll be an easier target. And when I'm done with her it'll be less competition."

The animal made a sprint towards Jasiri, after being overcome with fear the hyena was then filled with shock when she became the target, delaying her reaction time just enough for the animal to have her in its range. Time seemed to slow for Kilio, her enemy running past her then changing its target could've been fine to her on a personal level as she didn't run away, but now it's target is Jasiri, and Kilio felt something. It was a small change at first, then it became bigger. She didn't notice her teeth had clenched and her eyes widened. "JASIRI!!" She yelled, filled with fear.

The animal's claws inched towards Jasiri in its sprint, five seconds, that's all the time left for Jasiri to do something, attack, counter its move! But she was still shocked and her reaction time's too late.

Four seconds, three seconds, two seconds, one second! The animal's claws sliced deeply on flesh, but it wasn't Jasiri's.

Because of the force applied to the swipe Kilio was sent skidding across the floor, her neck dealing with the deep, long cuts.

GOOD AND BAD AT THE SAME TIME  (The Lion guard)Where stories live. Discover now