Older Brother and Older Sister

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When Janja and his clan were making their way back to their territory with pieces of their catch, they were very annoyed when they caught the scent of a Wild Dog looming in their part of the Outlands. The smell wasn't fading but didn't smell fresh either, and seems to be coming from the West meaning the animal had walked their entire territory's distance.

Janja grumbled before ordering Nne and Tano to go back to the den, thinking Kilio was there so they could give the meat to her, while he chose Cheezi and Chungu to go with him on a hunt for the Wild Dog. Nne and Tano were a little disappointed that they were going to miss the action, but they knew Janja trusted them more with the meat than he did with Cheezi and Chungu.

"You two take these to Kilio, we'll be back as soon as we get the stinker outta here." Janja told them before turning to Cheezi and Chungu. "C'mon fellas," He said with a low, annoyed groan; "We got a dog to take care of."

Little did he know that the intruder had already been taken care of, because no later than 2 minutes of tracking did they find the slumped form of the dead Wild Dog with its skin looking torn downwards as it had ripped them open from moving so much and had bled to death. A trail of blood coming from the opposite direction  lead to the body, and the pool of blood the body lied in was still fresh and smelled strong.

"Looks like it got into a fight," Janja noted the bite marks and scratches. They look deep and big, but knowing they're torn he can guess that the scratches were a lot more shallow before they tore. "What could've done this?"

He approached the body out of curiosity, but when he got close enough his nostrils picked up on two very familiar smells.

The first one that hit his nose was one he just loathed, a scent that meant nothing but trouble for him. "Jasiri," 

"Jasiri did this?!" Cheezi gasped, his eyes widened as his pupils shrunk. Chungu stepped closer to the body to get a better look at the damage, almost not believing Janja. 

"And it's not just her, there's another scent and it smells like...." He trailed off and his eyes widened in fear. "Kilio."


Kilio got into a fight.

Kilio got into a fight.

Kilio got into a fight.

The blood trail they followed lead away from the den, further towards the Eastern Border meaning she was away from the volcano.

Janja knows his sister. He knows how she fights, he knows what she's capable of and he knows her limit. And he knows that Wild Dog was beyond her limit and by the look of its corpse, it was trying to kill her. She might not have even made it to their den.

"No no no no no!!! She's not dead. She's not dead!" Janja started yelling.

"Kilio!! KILIO!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?" 



They've long passed the Eastern Border when they didn't see Jasiri there, but they picked up her scent and followed it down a path none of them usually took. The path was smooth and the sun was high, but the rocky walls cast massive shadows that darkened the way.

Aza lead the way as her sense of smell was keener than Madoa's. She kept her nose close to the ground as the scent was slowly fading, becoming harder to pick up even for her. Aza started to pick up her pace before the smell becomes too faint to detect.

"How long do you think she's gone on this path, Aza?" Madoa's worried voice broke the silence between them. Aza's fur bristled from her question.

The older hyena kept her nose close to the ground when she answered. "It's hard to say for sure." She said, "Thirty minutes at most is what I'm guessing, judging by the scent. But I think we're closer to her, the smell's getting stronger."

GOOD AND BAD AT THE SAME TIME  (The Lion guard)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz