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"Field mice valley should just be up ahead." Kilio thought to herself. Field mice valley is a place she has found some time after settling into her new home, for some reason Janja and the others hadn't found out about it yet and she was the first one to stumble upon the place, through pure curiosity after given the permission to venture out on her own.

Field mice valley has become a sort of escape for her, escape from responsibilities for a short while, plenty of mice to chase and have fun and as bonus snacks, a soft chilling breeze every now and so and the smell of fresh grass and flowers coming from the Pridelands becoming scentful there.

Kilio tried not to think about before, but just as recent as it was, the image of her crying and Jasiri by her side sent a jolt of panic in her that made her chest tighten.

"What have I done....." Kilio's panic state became more evident. "I can't believe I just trusted her like that."

Kilio hastened her feet, "I-Is she even genuine about before? How will I know? Why did I trust her?!"

A giant shadow overcasted her, Field mice valley.

"Field mice valley." Kilio thought; "I should calm down when I'm up there." She told herself and took a deep breath and exhaled through her nose.

She unsheathed her claws to reveal her white claws and dug them deep into the hard soil of the mountain of dirt, just above the mound is a flat padded area with holes for the mice. Kilio hoisted herself up and climbed, as she neared the top the fresh smell of grass hit her nose.

As she finally reached the valley she was met with panicked rodents, quickly hustling themselves into the holes they've made with the fear for their lives. Kilio had no intention to eat them for now though, but with her reputation of consuming their kind before kept the rodents on edge.

Kilio breathed through her nose, the sweet scent of freshly bloomed flowers calming her down; but the panic still lingered near, just not as strong.

"What am I going to do? This could be a trap...." Kilio said and ran one of her paws down a side of her face; "Why is she so cheeky yet when I cried she looked like she cares?"

But then something about Jasiri struck her as odd. "But she doesn't seem like she knows Southerns very well."

"If she knew what we were like would she have talked to me? I don't think so. I mean, who would talk to someone related to kin-killers and murderers?" Kilio wondered.

"Purples really are weird. Not a bad weird atleast."


"Jasiri, you're back." Madoa said and ran up to her sister. "I was getting worried, you usually don't take that long on your patrols."

"Sorry Madoa, I just had to take care of somethings." Jasiri told her. She furrowed her brows when Madoa looked at her with a serious but also concerned look.

"What is it?" Jasiri asked, confused. "What's wrong?"

"Who's scent is on your fur?" Madoa asked. "It doesn't smell like anyone I've met before."

"Oh, well...." Jasiri trailed off. She can't tell her about Kilio, Madoa might have never told her any reason to but she always told her when she sees a hyena with green eyes it means they're Southerns and she should stay away; of course she never did listen because Madoa also told her "We're all the same. No matter where we come from."

"There was a stranger wandering, she came near me before running off." Jasiri lied.

"Odd. There aren't any near clans other than Janja." Madoa said; "The stranger must've been a loner."

"She wasn't that bad, I don't think she's much of a threat." Jasiri told Madoa.

"Still, we can't put too much trust on strangers." Madoa said before the two heard giggling from behind them.

Both Tunu and Wema came out of hiding and tackled Jasiri in a hug.... or atleast it would've been if it weren't for their size difference so instead, they went for her paws.

"Jasiri you're back!" Wema cheered. Jasiri smiled down at the two before returning the hug.

"You were taking really long, did something bad happen?" Tunu asked. Jasiri shakes her head as the two cubs broke the hug.

"No, I just had to do my patrols, that's all." She told them.

"Of course nothing bad would happen, Jasiri's never been beaten before." Wema told her brother.

"But there's a chance she could get in trouble! Who's gonna helo her when we're far away?" Tunu argued.

"She doesn't need help! Jasiri can handle herself because she's super strong!" Wema argued as well.

Though the two older hyenas found their little argument adorable, they still had to remember hyena cubs' squabbles can turn into a fight if not supervised and they can carry that into adulthood.

"Alright, enough you two." Madoa picked up Wema while Jasiri picked up Tunu.

"I don't want to see you fighting." Madoa said through clenched teeth and both older hyenas went to the den.

After they've been set down though, the two cubs seeming to have forgotten their previous squabble as they looked at each other quizzically before giggling.

Madoa leans close to Jasiri and whispered; "They remind me of you, you know. Other than you being more outgoing and always getting into more trouble."

"And I was always at the recieving end when it comes to discipline, I remember. What does that have to do with anything?" Jasiri asked, hoping Madoa isn't thinking of mentioning how and why specifically she was disciplined as a cub.

Madoa gave her a knowing look. "Don't worry, you know I wouldn't remind you of that, you couldn't get the taste out of your mouth for days and I think that's a reminder enough on its own." She said.

"I was going to say how lucky they are to be twins." Madoa said.

"Why? Because one cute mischief maker isn't enough to cause an elder to have an aneurysm?" Jasiri joked.

"No, they're lucky because they can keep their mischief to themselves with supervision. Unlike you when I had to look after you yet you still manage to get away and pick fights." Madoa said.

Jasiri's ears flattened against her head at the memories, it wasn't just Janja she came toe to toe with, and Madoa had to pull her out of a situation when she found her and..... it didn't end well for Jasiri.

When Madoa saw this she can't help but want to tease Jasiri with something she is well aware she doesn't like.

"Dung-beatles were really well known to you, weren't they?" Madoa teased.

"Madoa!" Jasiri nearly puked at the memory of how the dung-beatles tasted in her mouth.

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