Revelations (1)

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Kilio told Jasiri everything, leaving no details unheard of. She told her of Death, of someone's bargain with him, how she saved her with his power, of the potential consequences, everything. She made sure to go slow so Jasiri could understand, and the purple did not interrupt her. At first, Jasiri was angry, scared, and confused and a large parts of those feeling may never go away. At some point Kilio had looked up, but didn't meet Jasiri's eyes. And when Kilio neared the end, well, Kilio couldn't tell what her friend was feeling, she can only hope for the best.

And when Kilio finished, Jasiri had so many questions. Questions that need to be answered, questions that will probably chase her to the end of her life until she is satisfied with an explanation, but only one surfaced in her mind before she could think and wonder about the others.

Why? Why didn't she run away?

A part of her, a part rooted to being a hyena, wanted to squash that question. Because that question meant Kilio had a reason, and confronting a stronger animal while you yourself are wounded is just foolish, and when escape was there?! What reason could justify or even explain that? To every animal on the plains of Savannah and probably those too who are outside the hot lands of Africa, fighting while injured is foolish unless you had something valuable to protect, --- so why didn't Kilio run away when she had the chance?!

If Jasiri isn't so tame and had been raised by anyone else other than her sister, she doesn't doubt that she would've just left Kilio right here and there on the worst of terms regardless if she was alive or not.

"Just why didn't you run away?" 

The question rolled off her tongue before she could stop herself. Kilio looked shocked but tried not to make it too apparent by pretending she was looking somewhere else, but the way her eyes widened and her fur bristled like she wasn't expecting it at all just made her shock all too obvious.

"W-Why didn't I run away?" Another clue to her shock, stuttering. And right after she said it her ears folded against her skull.

"Did she not think I was going to ask? What is this? A time of stupidity?" Jasiri surppressed the urge to groan, instead, she rolled her eyes and raised her voice to a snap, ignoring the lost look in Kilio's eyes. "Exactly, why?! You had the chance! You could've come with me so why didn't you?!" She snapped.

Jasiri's fur bristled and her tail shot up, and Kilio's tail un-tucked itself from between her legs. Her ears, though still folded against her skull, had come forward somewhat. But her eyes.... Jasiri doesn't know what's with them. They look lost, she looks lost. It was like she just heard something foreign, or like she was thrown into an obscure place she had to walk in...

The look of lost on her face made Jasiri sigh and, though it wasn't very apparent, Jasiri's eyes softened before she spoke; "Why, Kilio? Why didn't you run away?"

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