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Although Kilio had trouble sleeping the night before, she was still active during the day. Maybe a little slow but still active nonetheless.

She has returned to the Eastern border to take back the place.

"Back so soon?" Kilio recognized the voice, before she could even blink Jasiri came from behind a rock.

"Hey, it's you!" Kilio said, not with any malice, in fact she seemed to have rather warmed up to Jasiri, but still not quite ready to trust her too much.

"And you're the hyena I met yesterday, back so soon?" Jasiri said.

"Of course I am, I'm here to take the Eastern border back." Kilio said.

Jasiri seem to be thinking, Kilio tilted her head in confusion.

"What is she doing? Thinking in a time like this? Purples are weird." Kilio thought.

"I guess you could have it back." Jasiri said.

Kilio was surprised by this. "Wait, what did you say?"

"I said you can have it back, not much food found in this place." Jasiri told her; "I thought you wanted it back."

"I do but.... I was expecting it to be more challenging to be honest, like yesterday." Kilio said, "And you can't just wait for food to come you know? You gotta find them and take them down."

"That might work for you but it doesn't for me." Jasiri said.

Kilio raised a brow, "What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean I'm more of a scavenger. Not all hyenas are hunters." Jasiri said, "Didn't your mother ever teach you that?"

Jasiri didn't mean anything by it, she was just thinking of it more as a joke and not aware of how Kilio felt about the question.

Kilio bit her lips and one of her front paws began to subtly claw the ground.

"Aren't you a Southern?" Jasiri asked again.

Kilio went wide-eyed. "How'd you know?!"

"It's obvious from your eye-color." Jasiri deadpanned. She noticed how uncomfortable Kilio looked, not in a way of how she stood but she can tell something's bothering her by her subtle movements and expression.

"The other one was just a joke, I didn't mean anything by it." Jasiri said.

"Oh," Kilio said. "Oh, it was a joke.... sorry."

"What are you being sorry for? Haven't you ever heard of that joke before?" Jasiri paused. "Hold on a minute...." she went into thought.

"She was uncomfortable with my joke..... and with those scars....." Jasiri paled.

She turned back to face Kilio, now with sympathy for the Southern infront of her.

"Did your mother...." Jasiri hesitated, it was such a personal question and Kilio was already uncomfortable as she is.

When Kilio diverted her eyes from her and subconsciously lowered her head, that's when Jasiri got her answer.

"Oh.... I'm sorry." Jasiri said softly and carefully padded towards Kilio.

"I-It's fine.... It's fine, Jasiri." Kilio said, her voice breaking. Jasiri recognised it, her voice was just like when Tunu and Wema were found by her and Madoa on one of their patrols; Kilio's wavering and breaking voice reminded her of the babies she and Madoa took in.

"I- ... I'm okay." She said. Jasiri didn't want to press forward, she still had some questions she has come to think about from yesterday but now's not the time.

GOOD AND BAD AT THE SAME TIME  (The Lion guard)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora