Involuntary smile and a sister's concern

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It was time for breakfast and the whole clan were all planning on invading the Pridelands again, well, except for Kilio, the bite from last night is still bothering her as she shifted her weight uncomfortably onto her other paw while also trying her best not to let it show.

"Janja, I'm not really feeling up for today's hunt." Kilio said, knowing her hurt paw will slow her down and she'll just be a hindrance to the clan's hunt.

Janja and the others raised a brow. "What? Why?" Janja asked, not noticing the little pinprick bite marks on Kilio's paw.

"I.... I just don't feel like being blasted out of that kingdom again," Kilio lied; "And I don't feel like having to deal with Fuli and Bunga. Those jerks."

That last line might have been unnecessary, but Kilio couldn't keep it in, she hates them, she hates all of them.

"They're all jerks." Cheezi said while his pair, Chungu nodded.

"Yeah, and they're mean!" Chungu said.

"Enough you two." Janja said then turns to Kilio. "You sure ya don't wanna hunt? Not even after the little sick ones?"

Kilio shakes her head. "I'm sure, besides, I can probably sniff out a carrion around here, I'll be fine." She says.

Janja didn't look like he wanted her to just scavenge, greys aren't the best at scavenging like purples are. He's not super concerned as there are chances there'd be leftovers around the territory, but not always.

"Alright then, I'll be sure when we catch somethin' you'll get a part of it, fine?" Janja says.

Kilio rolls her eyes with a soft smile, she doesn't understand why Janja's always so concerned about her even as she grows older, when she was a cub it made sense to her since she was literally skin and bones and, though she hates to say it today, fragile; but as she grows older he's still so concerned for her, he allowed her enough freedom and independence she needs at her age today but the concern behind him never left. Maybe she just grew on him? Who knows? But she finds it endearing that he shows his concern for her whereas for the other clan members he'd show it less, but she knows he cares, because if he didn't she's pretty sure he would've kicked them out of the clan a long time ago.

"Thanks, Janja." Kilio said with a smile. "I'll also be patrolling our borders, just to make sure nobody tries their luck in taking them over."

"Okay then, be careful." Janja said then tuened to the others. "Alright fellas, let's go!"


"AND GET OUT OF HERE!" Kilio angrily yells at the jackals she had just chased out of the northern border before she licked her still injured paw. She watched as the three jackals ran away with their tails between their legs and claw marks on their back haunches.

"And if you ever come back, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO WALK AGAIN!" She shouts before letting out a gruff exhale. "To think jackals call themselves the smart ones they sure fight like idiots." She says before she went to the Eastern border, slightly limping but tried her best not to make it too obvious since there are many animals out there who'd gladly take this as an advantage.

While walking (limping?) Towards the next border, Kilio can't help but think back to a certain hyena.

"I always patrol these parts during this hour, so yes, I'll be here tomorrow."

An involuntary smile formed on Kilio's lips. "Jasiri." She looked up, the sun was almost at the same place as it was when she last seen Jasiri, meaning she could be there. "Why am I so happy?" She wondered.

She took a deep breath as her heart began to race. "Yet feeling so anxious?"


"The Eastern border?" Madoa said, "But you just marked that yesterday." She continues.

"I know but...." Jasiri hesitated for a moment before continuing, "The stranger from yesterday, what if they come back? I just want to be sure."

"Stranger? Then I'll call someone to go with you." Madoa said, "Strange hyenas can be dangerous, even when they seem friendly. I can send someone with you."

Jasiri shakes her head. "Madoa, I can handle this. I've been there before and I can handle myself." She insists.

Madoa sighs before she gave her sister a..... concern and almost scary protective look. "Okay, but one growl from them you come straight home and if I see a single scratch on you I'll make sure they never come near you again." She says in a dangerously low voice on the verge of growling.

Jasiri can't help but feel some nostalgia hit her, she hasn't seen or heard Madoa be so protective of her in a long time especially when they found the cubs abandoned under a tree, and since then Madoa's protectiveness shifted towards them which Jasiri didn't mind. But still, hearing the protective side of Madoa again, this time towards her, she can't help but smile.

"What are you smiling for?" Madoa asks, not that she doesn't mind, Jasiri's always been one to be a cheerful girl but Madoa's never seen her sister smile when she's being protective of her, back then Jasiri had found it annoying and couldn't wait to get away.

What surprised her even more is that Jasiri stepped forwards and placed her head on the older hyena's shoulder and placed a front paw on Madoa's back in an embrace.

"Nothing." Jasiri answered as she slowly pulled away. "It's just nice hearing you being protective of me all of a sudden, it's just nice."

Madoa gave a small laugh. "That's a first, I remember back then you used to groan at me for it."

Jasiri paused and looked like she didn't believe her. "I did? I don't remember ever doing that."

"That's because it's been such a long time ago." Madoa said.

Jasiri still looked like she didn't believe her. "Anyway, on that patrol."

"Fine." Madoa says, "But be careful."

Jasiri rolls her eyes. "I will." She says before running off.

Madoa watched as her sister ran off, before she frowned. "She's growing up. This kind of freedom is good.... right?" She looks to the sky with a sombre look. "I wish you were still with us, mama."

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