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4 Days later:

"Come on! You can do better than that!" Kilio said as she dodged Cheezi's headbutt attack as they wrestle in their den.

"Tano! Chungu! Get her boys!" Janja commanded.

Chungu and Tano tried to jump on her but Kilio pushed Tano away and dodged Chungu's attack. She then turned to Nne with a confident smirk.

"What's wrong Nne? Are you gonna attack? Or are you just scared I'll bite back?" Kilio taunted.

Nne then charged, jaw open exposing his fangs. Kilio moved to the side, dodging Nne then she turned around and pinned him by the back.

"Janja, it's just you and me!" Kilio announced and got off Nne and readied herself for Janja's attacks.

Kilio and Janja ran into each other, standing on their hind legs they exchange blows. Kilio swiped Janja across his face sending him on a crash down.

Janja got up and snarled, Kilio got on her four paws, all the while with a playful yet wicked smile.

"Cheezi! Chungu! Attack!" Janja growled. Cheezi and Chungu did so, Cheezi leaped to grab Kilio from behind and Chungu charged to get a hold of her.

Kilio ducked just as Cheezi was about to grab her, sending him crashing face first on the ground, Kilio then ducked her head under Chungu then tilt him sideways, causing him to lose his balance.

Kilio stood above the two with a triumphant look. Janja then leaped into the air, Kilio dodges then got under Janja and flipped him over then pinned him.

Janja grabbed Kilio's paws and threw them off, he gets up then pushes Kilio away with his head.

"I gotta admit, you are way stronger than I remember." Janja said.

"And we haven't done this since like..... forever!" She said then ran behind Janja, before he can react he was pinned down on full force by her.

"Pinned ya!" Kilio cheered. She then got off and brushed the ash off her fur.

Janja then shook his fur, proud that she has gotten so much stronger. Over these ten moons the little cub he took in has changed so much, from her scrawny frame to a strong hyena.

"Hey Kilio, wanna hunt later? I'm kinda hungry after all this." Janja asks.

"Sure thing Janja, But I think I'm gonna go for a walk first okay?" Kilio said.

"Okay, just be back before sunset." Janja said as Kilio took off.

Soon after she was gone, he sighed. "I miss when she was little, she was WAY lighter."

Where Kilio is:

Kilio ran to Mzingo's tree, just to say hello as they haven't been seeing each other recently.

"Mzingo! Are you there?" Kilio called out hoping the old bird would respond, she hasn't seen him in a long time. Instead, Mwoga perked his head.

"You called, Kilio?" Mwoga asks.

"Mwoga? Where's Mzingo?" Kilio asks.

"I am sorry to dissapoint you but Mzingo has left to find food in the Pridelands" Mwoga informs.

Kilio's ears just drooped, she was really looking forward to saying hi to her friend but she hides her disappointment with a slight smile.

"Okay, just tell him I came to say hello." Kilio said, she was about to head back until Mwoga stopped her.

"Oh, and Kilio, would you mind checking the Eastern border, I heard from the committee the marks there have been fading." Mwoga said.

"But I already marked them four days ago." Kilio said, "It can't be fading THIS early."

GOOD AND BAD AT THE SAME TIME  (The Lion guard)Where stories live. Discover now