Chapter 7

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Newt held back a sigh as his quill scratched across the page of the book, leaving behind a slightly messier version of his signature that it had been doing at the beginning of the book signing. He had been sitting there for hours, forced to smile and talk to people.

I wish I was back in New York with my creatures and with Tina, he thought as he handed a copy of his book to an eager young man who looked like he had just received a Christmas present. Newt gave a genuine smile. He was glad to see that people actually wanted to read his book.

When the man turned away Newt gave a sigh of relief. The rush of people had subsided. He still had to wait in case more people came but there was nobody for the moment. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes, letting himself relax for a bit.

"Newt Scamander."

Newt started. He knew that voice but he hadn't heard it for several years. He opened his eyes and looked up. He found himself staring into a pair of twinkling blue eyes. 

"Professor Dumbledore!" Newt stood up and shook his hand.

"I decided to wait for the crowd to leave so that I could get a chance to talk to you."

"Have you bought a copy?" Newt asked.

"Not yet but I intend to then I intend to have you sign it."

Newt reached for a copy of his book that sat in a pile next to him. He pulled out his quill again and signed the book. Handing it to Dumbledore, he said, "I insist that you accept this copy as a gift. You're not paying for it."

"Oh, thank you, Newt."

"You're welcome," Newt said. He indicated a chair near the table. "Have a seat."

Dumbledore sat down in the chair and Newt sat down behind his desk.

"So, how have you been, Newt?"

"I've been doing well."

"Good, good. Where's that case you've been carrying around?"

"Oh," Newt turned slightly red. "I've left it with some friends of mine in New York."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "I see."

Newt glanced down at the table. 

"The Ministry is planning on making your book one of the set books for First-years," Dumbledore said.

Newt looked up, surprised. "Really?"

"Yes," Dumbledore said. "And the school would like you to come and teach Care of Magical Creatures. If your willing, that is."

Me. A teacher. I'm not sure I could do that. Besides, there's MACUSA . . . and Tina. 

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can do that. I, uh . . . MACUSA has offered me a position that I'm seriously considering. And, uh--"

"I understand," Dumbledore said, calmly. "There's no need to explain."

Newt got the uncanny feeling that Dumbledore knew more than he'd been told. 

Dumbledore stood up. "I'm sorry I have to go so quickly, I'd love to hear all about your travels but I'm needed back at Hogwarts," he said.

Newt stood up and shook Dumbledore's hand. "It was nice to see you again, Professor."

"Goodbye, Newt." Dumbledore turned and left the bookshop. Glancing around the shop, Newt sat back in his chair. Most of the people in the shop had already had a copy of his book signed. Newt pulled out a piece of parchment and tried to come up with words to start a letter to Tina. 

He finally decided how to start it but he had barely started the word "Dear" when a shadow fell across his page and a familiar voice said, "Hello, Newt."

Newt froze. He wanted to run but he knew that he couldn't. Forcing himself to look up, Newt prepared himself for a confrontation he had hoped never to have. 

"Hello, Leta," Newt said, looking into her brown eyes. He loved her eyes but when he looked into them this time he though, Her eyes aren't as bright as Tina's.

Leta Lestrange smiled down at him. Tina's smile is friendlier, Newt thought.

"It's been so long, Newt," she said. 

"Uh, yes," Newt said awkwardly, "it has been."

"I wrote to you several times," Leta said. "Why did you never write back." Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Uh, I've been busy," Newt answered. Her tears seem forced, he realized, unlike Tina's.

"To busy to write a letter?"

"I had to write my book," Newt said. "And I was traveling a lot."

She seemed to brighten up a bit. "Could you sign a copy for me."

"Have you bought one?" Newt asked.

Leta frowned.

"What?" Newt said.

"I just thought that you might give me a copy for free. I mean, we are friends."

Newt sighed. "I'm sorry, Leta, but I can't just give away free copies."

"Fine," Leta said. "Give me a minute."

Newt sat back in his chair and though, She's changed. Tina's much nicer than she is. . . . Since when did I compare Leta to Tina?

Leta came back with a copy of his book and handed it to him. He grabbed his quill and signed his name on the first page after the cover. He handed it back to her.

She opened the cover and frowned slightly. "Just your name?"

"Leta, if you wanted something more original you should have come at the beginning when I wasn't tired," Newt said.

Leta turned the page. Her frown deepened. "Who are these people?" she asked.

"Which people?"

Leta showed him the book which was opened to the dedication page.

"Oh, they're friends of mine."


"Yes, uh --" Newt looked for what to say. "They helped me get some information to write this book."

"Well," Leta said after a pause. "I've got to go. I hope to see you soon, Newt. Please find time to write back, you shouldn't be as busy."

"I'll see," Newt replied.

When Leta had left the shop, Newt packed his things up to go. I wish Tina was here. I miss her so much.

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