Part 14

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Ally's PØV~
I plugged my phone into my speaker and stepped into the shower. I washed my hair,body and face then shaved you know normal things you would do in a bathroom.

When I was done with my shower I got dressed into my romper. After I got dressed I started heating up my straightener. While it was heating up I did my makeup.

I did a simple pinky gold eyeshadow with a little winged eyeliner. I also put on a pinkish nude liquid lipstick. Once I was done with my makeup I straightened my hair and put on deodorant and perfume.

I walked out the bathroom to be greeted by Joey sitting on my bed watching Netflix. "Damn you look hot ass fuck" Joey said as I walked out of the bathroom. I smiled and kissed him "you don't look to bad yourself birlem" I yelled from my closet.

I put on my brown wedges and had Joey tie them. After that was done I took off my lip ring just before I didn't want it on today. Finally I put on my ring and grabbed my phone.

I handed my phone to Joey and grabbed his hand. "Wait let me turn off the tv" Joey said looking nervous for some reason. "Alright" I said but it came out as more of a question.

We walked down stairs hand in hand. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom and Joeys mom talking. That's when I got nervous I've never met Joeys mom.

Joey dragged me to the kitchen and kissed my cheek to reassure me. "Mom this is my girlfriend Ally" Joey said to his mom. "Mom this is my boyfriend Joey" I said to my mom. "Nice to meet you" they both said at the same time with open arms waiting to hug us. I hugged Joeys mom while he hugged mine.

After all that stuff I went to the back yard where it was full with people. But the magcon boys where here! Also the O2L boys but I see them almost every day.

Once I saw Cameron I told Joey to film this. Since Cameron haven't seen me in a month. Magcon left 1 mounts before our tour ended.

Joey was already filming and me and Cameron started running to each other.  Once I got to him he picked me up and spun my around then put me down after 2 minutes. He kissed my cheek over and over. I hugged all the boys after that.

I grabbed my phone and kissed him as a thank you. After saying hi to EVERYONE we finally get to eat! I eat a lot to have such a skinny body I workout sometimes but barley.

We ate hotdogs and hamburger oh and pizza!! I ate pizza and a hotdog after eating it was time to see the gender of the baby! Oh yeah Kians gonna announce the pregnancy as well.
"It's time come on" My Dad whispered into my ear. I walked to the grass and had the ball in my hand. Kian soon walked over as well he took off his sweater to reveal his shirt which said "soon to be Dad and brother". I laughed at his shirt because he literally has the worst ideas ever.

After everyone congratulated Kian me and him threw the ball for our parents to hit.  The ball popped and it was BLUE! Kian jumped up and down then hugged me. My parents ran to us and hugged us.

"You want me to send you the video" my cousin Kristin asked me. I nodded my head while going to the kitchen. Cameron was following me "I missed you baby sis" he said frowning. "I missed you too but we're here now and I'm not going anywhere so tomorrow it's an us day" i said while he smiled pulling me into a hug.

As we were hugging I whispered into the crock of his neck that I love him. As we were pulling away Joey walked in. He was drunk and I could tell I was more mad because who the hell brings alcohol to a gender reveal party!

He walked up to me and started kissing me "stop Joey what the fuck" I yelled pissed off. I don't like drunk Joey at all!  "YO YOUR CHEATING ON ME WITH CAMERON HUH" he yelled in my face. I pushed him out the way and ran to my room.

Joey,his sibling and his mom would be staying at my house since Joeys Dad was having his friends from work over. I went into my room with tears rolling down my cheeks. To make matters worse messy Monday tagged me in a post.

I unlocked my phone after starring at my lock screen which was me and Joey kissing. It was a picture of my cousin and Joey with there tongues down each other's throats! Now I was balling I was mad and sad I couldn't take it anymore.

I packed a bag with clothes and essentials grabbed a stack of money then put on a sweater. I walked downstairs and now there was only my mom,Joeys mom,his siblings,Kian,Magcon boys,O2L boys, my dad and Joey.

When I walked downstairs I didn't say a word to anyone. Joey now looked sober I wonder if he remembers anything. I made zero eye contact with people. "Were done Joey" I said with zero emotions. I finally turned my face to see Joey.

He had tears falling down his face but at this point I didn't care. "I'm going to stay in a hotel room tonight I'll be home tomorrow night" I said to no one in particular. I kissed my mom,Dad and Kian on the forehead.

Cameron offered to sleep with me my mom seemed more sure with him going with me. I nodded my head and half smiled. Joey was still crying and seeing him cry made me want to break down. Cameron got his keys and went upstairs to get his suitcase.

We walked out to his car and he opened it. I got in as fast as possible once I got in I started sobbing I could barley breathe. Cameron got in and didn't say a word he just hugged me and let me cry on his shoulder.

"Why me cam why me" I kept saying over and over again. He started the ignition but grabbed my hand tightly.

When we got to the hotel cam got my bag and carried me out the car. He lightly put me down then we walked in. The lady at the desk gave us our key and hotel number.

We went to the hotel room and got settled in. Almost instantly I plugged my phone into the charger since it was at 1%. Then I went to bed I fell asleep really fast. We only got one bed so Cam had to sleep with me which I didn't mind.

*2 weeks later*
I woke up to someone jumping on my bed. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY SIS" yelled Kian and Cam. Cam moved in with us last week. Me and Joey are now friends again. My mom is 6 mouths pregnant and Andrea is 5 months.

Me and Jenn are closer than ever. Loren and I are still the best of friends and we hang out everyday. Me and Sam (Kians best friend) are close ass hell but rumors have been going around about us dating.

Even though him and Jenn are dating but it's whatever. Jenn knows I wouldn't do that to her.

"Get up get ready so we can leave because I'm starving" Andrea said walking into my room. "Of corse ur hungry" Kian and I said in unison. She flicked us off and I put my hand over my heart acting hurt.

"You would make an amazing actor" Cam said laughing. "Fuck you get out I'm gonna shower" I said to him while laughing.

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