Part 21

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Ally's PØV~
I woke up to the sun in my face I grabbed my phone and texted the boys.
Group chat:
How we gonna do this we taking 2 cars?😂
Kian: we can take moms car and you can leave her mine im case.
Me: Alright we'll do that
*end of text*

I got up and got into the shower. After my shower I started doing my makeup I put on concealer and powder. Then I did my eyes and lastly I put on lipstick. I looked down and noticed a little bump. I put my hand over it and smiled.

I put on my lip ring since I haven't put it on in a while. I haven't wore my belly piercing because I'm pregnant but oh well. I put on black jeans, a black crop top and black timberlands that Kian got me.

I curled my hair then brushed it out so they won't be so tight. Last steps were perfume and deodorant. I walked out my bathroom and saw a snapback in my closet so I put it on to add a little color to my all black outfit.

I had gotten my nails done a while ago so they were black as well. I actually loved how I looked today so I took a mirror selfie and posted it on twitter.

I walked down stairs and my parents gasped. "What" I said laughing "you look so good pregnant" my mom said. I laughed and kissed her cheek. I grabbed my marrón Michel kors backpack.

I put in medication pills so I won't need to throw up. I put in my wallet,portable charger, makeup essentials and My car keys. I also grabbed my car keys. I walked down stairs again and my parents were eating breakfast.

"I'm going out with Kian and the O2L boys" I told my mom as she was feed the baby. She said okay and kissed my cheek. "Oh wait can we use your car Kian told me to leave you his" I said she nodded her head and gave me the Keys.

I gave her Kian's keys and gave my mom and dads a kiss and hug. I picked up my little brother hugged him and kissed him. After saying goodbye to my family I went outside into my moms car.

I drove to Connor,Rickey,Kians and Jcs house. Kian moved a while back and I'm moving soon as well. I pulled into the drive way and walking inside the house without knocking.

All the boys were dressed and ready to go "okay first we're gonna stop at Denny's for breakfast" I said pulling out of the drive way. Sam was in the passengers i was driving Kian,Trever and Conner were in the middle. Rickey and Jc were in the back.

Sam was playing music and I didn't like it so I turned it off and plugged in my phone. He put a hand over his heart and pretend to be hurt.

"Wow you don't like my music" he said trying to to laugh "um no" I said joking "whatever" he said laughing. "So me and Jenn broke up" He said out of no where "Me and Joey broke up" I said sighing "well we can get over the heartbreak together sista" he said.

I laughed at his girly accent when "Rap god" by Eminem came on. The super fast part was about to come on and this was my part I knew it by heart! I rapped that shit like a boss let me tell you. "What the fuck" the boys said in unison I flipped my hair sarcastically and we all started laughing.

As I pulled into Dennys Sam pulled me into the car "I wasn't dating Jenn I dated her to get you jealous the baby isn't mine" he said in all honesty. I was in shock "wow" was all I managed to get out.

"This isn't her fault I talked her into doing it" he said making sure I wouldn't get mad at her. "Who's baby is is" I asked "Jcs" he said with zero emotions. "Give me a chance to prove I can be what Joey never was" he said softly. "I'll give you a chance the second you fuck up its over" I said he nodded and hugged me then kissed my cheek over and over.

We walked into the restaurant and got seated right away. We made small talk while the Waiter came.

"Hello I'm Tiffany I will be your host for tonight what would you like to drink?" She asked politely. "Orange juice" we all said at the same time. "Okay and to eat" she asked again "PANCAKES" I yelled loudly.

Pregnant at 18Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon