Part 16

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Ally's PØV~
When we got home almost instantly I got I to the shower since it was 4 and the party started at 6. I know it starts in a while but tonight I want to show myself off. 

I jumped into the shower and plugged my phone in my beats speaker. I washed my body,my hair, face, then shaved. When I was done showering I rapped a towel around my body and one around my newly died hair.

I started on my makeup while my curler was heating up. But before I started my makeup I brushed my teeth and plucked my eyebrows even though I got them done today.

I did a face full of makeup today I started by putting on primer. Then I put on a thin coat on foundation so it wouldn't look cakey. I put on concealer and powder to set everything.

Lastly for my face I did blush,bronzer and highlighter. Once I was done with my face I started my eyes. I did my eyebrows then eyeshadow. Then I put on lipstick and setting spray. Lastly I put on some mascara and eyeliner.

After makeup I curled my hair tightly then sprayed it with a little hairspray. When I was done with everything in the bathroom. I went to my walk in closet and put on some legging and a crop top. It was still early and I didn't even know what I was going to wear in the first place.

I chose a gold mese dress with a lot of diamonds. For shoes I picked out some maroon heels. Lastly for jewelry I picked a silver necklace and some silver bracelet and rings. Ever since me and Joey broke up I haven't wore the ring.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him but I have to let it go. I walked down stairs to see my mom,Kian, my dad,Andrea,Jake and Cam. My mom and Dad walked over to me and hugged me happy birthday since we left really early in the morning. They thanked Andrea for everything she did for me today.

"It's really no problem momma lawley" she said with a smile then winked at me. I laughed and asked her if she wanted me to do her makeup she squealed and said yes.

We went up to my room and I sat her down at my desk. I went to the bathroom and grabbed all the things I would need. I started with her face and did the same routine I did with my face.

Then I did her eyebrow and eyes I did a black smokey eye on her since that's what she wanted. I put on some winged eyeliner and some false eyelashes. Then I put nude lipstick on her. She asked me to straighten her so that's what I did.

When I was done getting her ready I checked the time and it was 5:40 so we stared putting on our party clothes. Andrea had on a long black party dress but it was loose since she was pregnant. 

I put on my clothes in my closet since my closet is really big. I walked out with my heels in my hand Andrea smirked at met. "You look stunning" she said admiring my dress. I giggled and thanked her. I put on my jewelry then my heels.

Once we were all done we went down to the living room and saw everyone dressed and ready. Everyone was in awe at me I laughed and blushed. Kian's eyes got watery "I can't believe your 18 I missed out on 17 years of your life" he said. I just pulled him into a big bear hug.

Soon enough people started piling into the house.

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