Part 19

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(Pic is her car btw)
Ally's PØV~
*2 mouths later*
We were currently in the hospital waiting for my baby brother to born! So while we wait let me catch you up.

Im 3 months pregnant now. Andrea found out she's having a baby girl. Me and Joey are almost 1 year dating we didn't count the break we had.

Loren and mark are having a girl she is 6 months pregnant because she was 4 months when she told us. Jenn is 3 months like me but she's due a couple weeks before me. Her and Sam are still dating.

I have my license now! Me and Joey are  moving out soon. I'm due to have my baby December 22. Jenn is due December 5 Loren is due September 4. Andrea can have the baby anytime now.

So far my life is going great I just can't wait to find out the gender to my baby! Joeys birthday is next week and I have a special day planned out for him.

"Babe want some McDonald's" Joey asked I nodded and got up. We walked hand in hand to McDonald's. I ordered for the both of us then sat down at the table Joey picked. We didn't take the car because McDonald's was across the street.

I ate chicken nuggets and fries with coke and Joey got the same. "Are you ready to have a baby" Joey asked quite since we haven't told the fans. "Yes I can't wait to see him" I said "him?" Joey asked. "It's a boy I know it" i said because my mom said Kian was an asshole when she was pregnant.

She would throw up a lot and be sick most of the time. Which is what's happening to me. After eating we walked back to the hospital.

We sat in the waiting room and went on our phones. After a couple minutes my dad and Kian walked out the room. I was supposed to go in the room but then doctor didn't let me since I was pregnant.

"You can go see him" my dad said with a huge smile on his face. I walked to my moms room and walked right in. "He's over there baby" my mom said pointing to his little crib. "Can I hold him" I asked my eyes filling with tears at the sight of him.

My mom nodded her head and smiled. I picked him up lightly and kissed his little head. He had brown eyes like my mom and blonde hair like my dad. I guess I get my blonde hair and blue eyes for my dad. I took many pictures of him and posted them on Snapchat. But I posted one on Instagram.


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❤️ 8.8 million 💭899,876
Welcome to the world baby bro❤️😘
camerondallas: he looks like you
jallyforever~ when are you and Joey going to have a baby?😏
babyjoey~ Your twin😍

I smiled at the responses then played with his small tiny hands. "Can you change him" my mom asked I nodded my head. I placed him softly on his little bed while I picked out his outfit.

"So does seeing your brother change anything about you being pregnant" my mom asked concerned. "No mommy Me and Joey are doing great right now and I think the baby has bought us closer together" I replied.

She smiled "I'm proud your more mature than your brother about the baby" she said laughing. I softly put on my brothers dark green pjs and his brown beanie. Once done I took a pic and posted it on Snapchat.

Caption: I love you

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Caption: I love you

As I was holding him gently in my arms Joey,Kian and dad walked in. "You'll be a great mom" Kian said while kissing my head. I handed my dad the baby and hugged Kian "and you'll be a great dad" I whispered. I pulled away and saw Kian with tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked getting worried "I just can't believe how fast you've grown up" he said. "I wish I didn't miss out on 17 years of your life" he said sniffing "well I'm with you now so let's make the best of it" I replied whipping his tears.

He smiled and placed a hand over my stomach. Joey walked over to us and handed me my phone. "Someone's call you" he said while he handed me my phone. I mouthed at him to answer.

He answered and I heard him talk
"Andrea she's busy"
"Okay I'll tell her"
"Yeah okay"
"Cool bye"
I laughed at how fast he get irritated. "What's funny"
"You" i said still laughing.

"Oh yeah" he said with an evil smile.
"Yeah" I replied
He attacked me and ticked my softly trying not to hurt the baby. I pushed him off because I needed to vomit.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Joey walked in and held my hair for me. Then he put it into a high ponytail for me. He flushed the toilet and gave me a cup of water.

"Let's go home babe" he said and I nodded since I didn't feel good. He told my parents I wasn't feeling good and that the baby was being a little jerk.

We went home and cuddled then went to sleep.

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