Part 20

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Ally's PØV~
I woke up around Joey arms today I felt a lot better but still wanted to be lazy. The pregnancy is kicking in I mean I'm always tired and always hungry. Oh shit I have a doctors appointment at 1 and have to go grocery shopping.

I don't wake Joey up yet since it's barley 10 and he takes 20 minutes to get ready. I grabbed my black and gold beats speaker Cam got me. I also grabbed my iPhone 7 Plus my mom got me. Then I turned the Bluetooth on my phone on and played music.

I jumped in the shower washed my body and hair. After my shower I did my makeup and hair. Then brushed my teeth lastly I put on my clothes and shoes. After all that I put on deodorant and perfume. Thenn I did my hair and woke Joey up.

He just put on clothes and shoes because he's lazy. I grabbed his hoodie and beanie because he forgot them. I put his stuff in my Michal kores backpack that I use as a purse.

I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs where Joey was eating cereal. He handed me my bowl of lucky charms and we ate quickly.

After we were done we got into the car and started driving to the doctors. He plugged in his phone and drake came on. I started singing at the top of my lungs and he made a Snapchat of me singing.

That's pretty much how the rest of the car ride went. When we got to the doctors we checked in and waited to be called in. We would get many dirty looked from people but we could care less.

We got called in pretty quick. The nurse put the cold gel stuff on my stomach and I flinched at the coldness. Joey laughed and I giggled as well she put the machine thing over my stomach moving it in circles. The baby popped up on the screen my eyes got watery.

Joeys eyes did too I grabbed his hand tighter. He smiled but kept his eyes on the screen. She wiped the gel off my stomach and printed out the pictures for us. I thanked her then we walked out to the car.

Joey got in and took a picture of the ultrasound. "Let's tell the fans" I said smiling. "Finally" he said laughing. He pulled out his phone and started doing his thing.

"Babe we should set up a nursery for my mom" I said to Joey. "Go to IKEA then" he said putting his hand in mine. I started driving to IKEA when my phone started blowing up with tweets and Instagram notifications.

It was making my head hurt so I asked Joey if he could drive. He agreed and we pulled into a Jack in the box to get food and switch spots. We got off the car and went inside to get food.

The lady there has her boobs out and had a cake face. Joey and I looked at each other and did the "ew" face. I told Joey I would order. He went to find a place to sit.

I ordered our food and waited for it to be ready. When the food was ready Joey helped me and the girl looked at Joey and pushed her boobs up even more. He made a "ew" gagging face.

I laughed and she rolled her eyes at me. We took out food to the table and ate. After eating,laughing and talking we started going to IKEA.

When we were In the car I posted something on all my social medias.


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