1 - A Rough Time

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Ema's POV

Tears filled my eyes as I ran along a street I didn't even know. I had my bag on my back, filled with the main essentials. I don't even know how long I'd been running for, but I didn't want to look back. It the moonlight I could see a football pitch, I ran to it and slowed down as I got through the gates. Walking over to the post, my legs began to wobble and tears rolled down my face. I buried my face into my hands and slid down the pole and sobbed. Slowly I calmed down, taking deep breaths of the crisp air. I grabbed my phone and began scrolling through my contacts and looked for the one person I could think of.
I pressed call, it began ringing. Eventually I heard his voice on the other side. "Ema?" He began, "Simon" I sobbed out. "Oh my god, Ema what's wrong" he questioned, a hint of worry in his voice. "I need you to pick me up, please your the first person I called" I said to him, my voice shaky, "yeah of course, where are you" he asked, I stood up and looked around frantically, "I'm at a football pitch, I can see Halo tower" I said looking up at the big building in the distance. "I think I know where you are, stay put" he said, "Simon, please don't hang up" I said to him, I tear rolling down my face. "My friend will talk to you, he's coming with me" he said, I let out I deep breath. "Hi, my name is Josh" the boy began, "I'm Ema" I said to him, "I'm just gonna ask you questions so I can get to know you" Josh said, I smiled "okay" I said. "Do you like football" he asked me, I chuckled a bit, "is that even a question" I said, he chuckled slightly, "I'll take that as a yes, who do you support" he said, "Man U" I said, I heard him sigh, "Wow, that's boring. You should go for Millwall" he said, "why would I go for a shitty team" I said, he gasped, "I cannot believe you just said that" he said, "well I guess they're better than Leeds" I said, he chuckled, "so true" he said.

We kept the phone call going like this, and I had almost forgotten why I was here in the first place. "Alright I'm gonna give you to Simon now, we're here" he said, "Where about are you?" He asked, I looked around me, I could see two figures walking through the gate, "I see you" I said. The phone hung up and I watched as the figures get closer and closer. I ran towards them and straight into Simon's arms.

"Shh" he said as he rubbed my back. I cried into his chest, I looked up at him, "I'm sorry for calling you, you must have been sleeping" I said to him, he smiled "did you forget that I edit videos all night" he said, "oh shit, you do to" I said to him, he chuckled. I pulled away from the hug and looked towards the boy standing next to him, "you must be Josh" I asked, he nodded. "That would be me, and you must be Ema" he said, I nodded. "How about we take you home so you can sleep" he said, I nodded "let me grab my bag first" I said, I walked over and grabbed my bag and then went back to the boys.

~To when they get to the house~

"Ema, where here" I heard, I opened my eyes and looked at the house, "you live here" I asked, "well me and 6 other guys" he said with a chuckled, "shit" I said. I opened the door and got out of the car, "you can stay in my room with me tonight" Simon said, I nodded sleepily. We walked in the house and Simon took me straight to his room, "I'll be editing for a little bit, but you go to sleep" he said, I nodded. "My bathroom is there, so you can get changed if you want" he said, I nodded and walked into his bathroom. I put on the track pants I'd brought with me and a jumper. I sat on his bed, he came and sat next to me, "thank you Simon" I said to him, he kissed the top of my head, "it's no problem, we're family. We can talk in the morning as well if you like" he said, I nodded and got under the covers. "Goodnight Si" I said, "goodnight Em" he said in reply.
When I woke up, I completely forgot where I was, I turned over and saw Simon on his phone, "morning" he said, "morning" I said croakily, he smiled. "So if you want, you can go shower and then we can talk about whatever happened last night" he said, I nodded, "sounds good" I said to him. He got out of the bed and walked to his cupboard, he chucked me a shirt and Jumper, "put these on if you want" he said, I held them, "thanks" I said in reply. I grabbed my bag and walked into his bathroom and had a shower.

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